State Firemen's Parade results, appreciations
The New Jersey State Fire Chief's Parade Judges Association released the results of the 132nd Annual Firemen's Association of the State of Pennsylvania convention parade held on Saturday in Lake Harmony, and hosted by both the Lake Harmony and Albrightsville fire companies.
Steve Lilick, convention chairman, a deputy fire chief, Lake Harmony Fire Company, stated convention organizers' appreciations to all the participating fire companies, marchers, bands, the State Firemen's Association, Carbon County Commissioners, state officials, residents of Lake Harmony, and all officers, members and families of both Albrightsville and Lake Harmony Fire Companies.JUDGING RESULTS1. Best appearing Fire Company in uniform with not less than 35 members marching with music of not less than 10 musicians of any type.1st Place - $1,000 and Trophy: SHARON HILL FIRE COMPANY2. Best appearing Fire Company in uniform with less than 35 members marching with music of not less than 10 musicians of any type.1st Place - $600 and Trophy: LIBERTY FIRE COMPANY3. Best appearing Fire Department in uniform with not less than 35 members marching and music of not less than 10 musicians of any type.1st Place - $1,000 and Trophy: UPPER MARION FIRE DEPARTMENT,2nd Place - $500 and Trophy: GREENSBURG FIRE DEPARTMENT4. Best appearing Fire Department in uniform with less than 35 members marching and music of not less than 10 musicians of any type.1st Place - $600 and Trophy: LATROBE VOL.FIRE DEPT5. Best appearing ladies Auxiliary in uniform and marching1st Place - $500 and Trophy: FAIRMOUNT DEPARTMENT LADIES AUX,2nd Place - $200 and Trophy: HANOVER TOWNSHIP LADIES AUX6. Best appearing Band with not less than 15 members of any type of musical instruments.1st Place - $600 and Trophy: KITTANING FIREMENS BAND,2nd Place - $300 and Trophy: LATROBE PIPES AND DRUMS,3rd Place - $100 and Trophy: WYOMING VALLEY PIPE AND DRUMS7. Best appearing Fire Department / Company in uniform and marching with not less than 35 members without music.NONE8. Best appearing Fire Department / Company in uniform and marching with less than 35 members without music.1st Place - Trophy: WASHINGTON HOSE AND STEAM COMPANY,2nd Place - Trophy: LANSFORD FIRE DEPARTMENTAPPARATUS TROPHIES9. Best Appearing Engine 2006 - 20111st Place: DILIGENCE FIRE COMPANY UNIT 1411,2nd Place: TUSCARORA FIRE COMPANY UNIT-2717,3rd Place: WASHINGTON HOSE COMPANY-COATSVILLE UNIT 4110. Best Appearing Engine 1996-20051st Place: SWEDESBURG VOL. FIRE COMPANY PIPELINE 49,2nd Place: CITIZENS FIRE COMPANY UNIT 454,3rd Place: PALMERTON FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIT 71411. Best Appearing Engine 1986-19951st Place: GOODWILL FIRE COMPANY-BRIDGEPORT PA. UNIT 321,2nd Place: SHARON HILL FIRE COMPANY UNIT 09-1,3rd Place: ESSINGTON FIRE COMPANY 48-212. Best Appearing Engine 1985 and Older,1st Place: LIBERTY FIRE COMPANY NO.4 UNIT 736,2nd Place: AQUASHICOLA FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIT E11113. Best Appearing Rescue Pumper 2002-20111st Place: FLOWERTOWN FIRE COMPANY SQUAD 6,2nd Place: WASHINGTON FIRE COMPANY-CONSHOHOCKEN SQ 36,3rd Place: SWEDELAND FIRE COMPANY NO.1 UNIT SQ.48,14. Best Appearing Rescue Pumper 2001-Older1st Place: BOWMANSTOWN VOL.FIRE COMPANY UNIT 21115. Best Appearing Mini/Attack Pumper1st Place: SHARON HILL FIRE COMPANY UNIT 09-3,2nd Place: COMMUNITY FIRE COMPANY-LANDINGVILLE UNIT 471116. Best Appearing Quint - Less than 80' Ladder with pump & water1st Place: WEST END HOSE-POTTSVILLE UNIT LADDER 51,2nd Place: DIAMOND FIRE COMPANY UNIT 2931,3rd Place: SOMERSET VOL.FIRE CO. UNIT 601-817. Best Appearing Platform 2002-20111st Place: PALMERTON FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIT 721,2nd Place: SELLERSVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIT 2718. Best Appearing Platform 2001 or Older1st Place: RELIANCE HOOK AND LADDER NO.1 UNIT 61,2nd Place: WEST END FIRE COMPANY-QUAKERTOWN UNIT 18,3rd Place: BERWICK FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIANCE NO. UNIT 12119. Best Appearing Ladder 2002-20111st Place: TINICUM TOWNSHIP FIRE COMPANY UNIT 48,2nd Place: BRIDGEPORT FIRE COMPANY NO.1 UNIT 3120. Best Appearing Ladder 2001-Older1st Place: NESQUEHONING HOSE COMPANY UNIT 132121. Best Appearing Heavy Rescue 2002-20111st Place: PERSEVERANCE FIRE COMPANY UNIT R74,2nd Place: PLYMOUTH FIRE COMPANY UNIT 43,3rd Place: BLAKELY AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION UNIT 2222. Best Appearing Heavy Rescue 2001-Older1st Place: WEST END RESCUE SQUAD-MAHANOY UNIT 4650,2nd Place: NORRISTOWN FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIT 26,3rd Place: CITIZENS FIRE NO.1 UNIT 205123. Best Appearing Light Rescue (30,000 GVRW max.) 2002-2011,NONE24. Best Appearing Light Rescue (30,000 GVRW max.) 2001-Older1st Place: BRIDGEPORT FIRE COMPANY NO.1 UNIT 5531,2nd Place: DILIGENCE FIRE COMPANY NO.1 UNIT 1451,3rd Place: SLATINGTON FIRE DEPARTMENT-UNIT 243125. Best Appearing Tanker 2002-20111st Place: CITIZENS FIRE COMPANY-WEATHERLY UNIT T2031,2nd Place: HAZLE TOWNSHIP FIRE AND RESCUE UNIT 106,3rd Place: COMMUNITY FIRE COMPANY UNIT 471026. Best Appearing Tanker 2001-OlderNONE27. Best Appearing Tanker/Pumper 2002-20111st Place: WITMER FPA UNIT 4-10-2,2nd Place: JIM THORPE FIRE DEPARTMENT/DILIGENT UNIT 113428. Best Appearing Tanker/Pumper 2001-Older1st Place: GOODWILL FIRE COMPANY-TREYLERTOWN UNIT 2521,2nd Place: HARDWOOD FIRE COMPANY UNIT T19129. Best Appearing Special Services 2006-20111st Place: SLATINGTON FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIT 2491,2nd Place: TINICOM FIRE COMPANY-UNIT 48,3rd Place: NORTH PENN GOODWILL SERVICE UNIT 41-830. Best Appearing Special Services 1996-20051st Place: BRIDGEPORT FIRE COMPANY UNIT 31,2nd Place: GOOD WILL FIRE COMPANY-PRIDGEPORT UNIT 32,3rd Place: TUSCARORA FIRE COMPANY UNIT 276731. Best Appearing Special Services 1995 or Older1st Place: DIAMOND FIRE COMPANY UNIT 2951,2nd Place: CITIZENS FIRE COMPANY-MAHANOY CITY UNIT 45632. Best Appearing Marine / Dive Unit1st Place: SWEDESBURG FIRE COMPANY UNIT M4933. Best Appearing Brush Unit 2002-2011NONE34. Best Appearing Brush Unit 2001 or Older1st Place: ALERT FIRE COMPANY UNIT 45,2nd Place: WEST END FIRE COMPANY NO.2-PALMERTON UNIT 741,3rd Place: TUSCARORA FIRE COMPANY UNIT 274735. Best Appearing Ambulance1st Place: WEST END YORK AMBULANCE UNIT MICU-1-2,2nd Place: SILVER SPRINGS AMBULANCE UNIT 2-7236. Best Appearing QRS Unit (non transport)1st Place: WEST END FIRE COMPANY UNIT 8757,2nd Place: WEST YORK TOWNSHIP UNIT EMS 137. Best Appearing Fire Police Unit1st Place: GETTYSBURG FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIT-TRAFFIC 1,2nd Place: PLYMOUTH FIRE COMPANY UNIT-TRAFFIC 4338. Best Appearing Chiefs Vehicle1st Place: FLOWERTOWN FIRE COMPANY UNIT CHIEF 6,2nd Place: UPPER MARION TWP. CHIEF 4839. Best Appearing Fire Prevention Float or Trailer1st Place: SWEDESBURG FIRE COMPANY FIRE PREVENTION FLOAT40. Best Appearing Dalmatian1st Place: MISS HALLIGAN FLOWERTOWN,2nd Place: TILLER-MIKE KRUSHNER WEST END41. Best Appearing Fire Co. Owned Motorized Antique1st Place: YARDLEY FIRE COMPANY NO.1,2nd Place: FLOWERTOWN FIRE COMPANY,3rd Place: RADNOR FIRE COMPANY42. Best Appearing Fire Co. Owned Non-Motorized Antique1st Place: SELLERSVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT,2nd Place: MALVERN FIRE COMPANY NO.4,3rd Place: CITIZENS FIRE COMPANY NO.243. Best Appearing Pierce1st Place: CITIZENS FIRE COMPANY-MAHANOY CITY UNIT E454,2nd Place: WITMER FIRE COMPANY UNIT-4-10-244. Longest Distance Traveled1st Place: WILKES TOWNSHIP45. Judges Awards:- YARDLEY VOL. FIRE CO. NO1,- STEVE AUSTON DELAWARE STATE FIRE POLICE UNIT,- CUB SCOUT 567,- CENTER SQUARE FIRE COMPANY UNIT E33,- PA STATE POLICE MOUNTED UNIT,46. Best Appearing Fire Dept. / Co. Apparatus - (3 or more pieces)1st Place: SELLERSVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT,2nd Place: PLYMOUTH FIRE COMPANY47. BEST OF SHOW (fire apparatus-Must have won 1st Place in category)1st Place: SWEDESBURG FIRE COMPANY UNIT-PIPELINE 49PRIVATELY OWNED ANTIQUES48. Best Appearing Motorized Antique 1976 - 1986NONE49. Best Appearing Motorized Antique 1966 - 19751st Place: JOHN M HOFFMAN50. Best Appearing Motorized Antique 1956 - 19651st Place: JAMES H WIENGST51. Best Appearing Motorized Antique 1955 - Older1st Place: TIMOTHY C JONES,2nd Place: MIKE REESE,3rd Place: SCHUYLKILL HISTORICAL52. Best Appearing Hand or Horse Drawn Antique1st Place: TOM WAINWRIGHT,2nd Place: SCHUYLKILL HISTORICAL FIRE SOCIETY CHEMICAL,3rd Place: SCHUYLKILL HISTORICAL FIRE SOCIETY UNIT-HOSE53. BEST OF SHOW (Must have won 1st Place in category)1st Place: SELLERSVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENTNext year's 133rd Annual Firemen's Association of the State of Pennsylvania convention parade will be hosted by the Norristown Fire Department, Montgomery County. For more information about next year's state convention, visit