Tamaqua board approves coaching, staff positions
At a meeting Tuesday, the Tamaqua Area School Board approved a list of coaches, advisers, volunteer coaches, and volunteer assistants for the 2011-12 school year contingent upon submission of necessary documentation.
The following were approved: Adrian Bumbulsky, Tamaqua, assistant swimming coach, $1,500; Allen Graver, Tamaqua, seventh grade boys basketball coach, $1,650; James McCabe, no town given, head wrestling coach, $5,007; and Jon Maschak, Quakake, volunteer assistant wrestling coach.The following advisers, volunteers and chaperones were named: Michael Murphy and Megan Frantz, middle school Math Counts co-advisors, $328.50 each; Nichole Beltz, Tamaqua, Raider Band volunteer and chaperone for band trip to Florida; Megan Ingraham, band chaperone to Florida.In addition, the board accepted the resignation of Adriane Drum, academic team coach.The board approved the following persons for the middle school
M.A.G.I.C. program: William Kimber and Romayne Joseph, co-coordinators at $25 an hour each; and teachers Jay Daubert, Lynn Deiter, Lauren Elston, Carla Keller, Mike Luna, Trish Maksimik, Ed Mariano, Koreen Nalesnik, Joe Ruddy, Kim Woodward, Amanda Woodring, and Jennel Yelito, all at $22 an hour.Also, paraprofessionals Celeste Franko, Terry Koch, Margaret Miller and Kathy Murphy, at $9.50 an hour.The board approved the subgrant agreement for the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Act - Section 619, by and between the Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29 and the school district for the period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.The board also agreed to enter into a letter of linkage with New Beginnings Health Services in order to establish a referral relationship.The board also approved the hiring of Melanie Moyer, speech therapist, as mentor for the 2011-12 school year at $600 for each person listed. Also serving as speech therapist is Malerie Zimmerman.The board approved the following substitutes for the school year: Paul T. Orsulak, substitute teacher; Susan Kennedy, Pottsville, and David Pogash, St. Clair, substitute guest teachers.Named as paraprofessionals at the contract rate are: Doreen Siegfried, Lehighton, full time; Joleen Astorino, Drums, part-time, Stephanie Balliet, no town given, substitute to part-time; Madeline 'Amy' Behler, Tamaqua, substitute to part-time; Jacqueline Nalesnik; Lansford; Kim Modesto, Brockton; Deborah Frey, Tamaqua; and Jeffrey Kocher, Parryville, substitutes.In addition, Denise Baddick, Tamaqua, was named part-time secretary. Resignations were accepted from Julie Plako, assistant to the food director, and Joann Protivnak, substitute secretary.The board approved Randa Hull as the world language adviser at the established stipend of $623;Also, the board agreed to adopt Art in Focus, Glencoe McGraw Hill publishers, Dr. Gene Mittler, author, as the primary resource for Tamaqua Area Virtual Campus.The board also approved payments from the construction fund to Panzetta Enterprises, Inc., $78,390 and $107,055.Also approved was a van run of 84 miles per day to Gillingham Charter School, Pottsville, effective September 6. The distance represents twice-a-day runs.