Resident asks if he can run drain across Lakeside Drive
Kevin Christman attended the Thursday meeting of the Towamensing Township supervisors to ask if he could run a drain pipe under Lakeside Drive. He owns the property on both sides of the road.
It is to drain water from his basement. The pipe under the road has been crushed in the middle and has to be replaced. Roadmaster Rodney George said the township does not have a road-opening permit. He also talked to Christine Meinhart, zoning officer, who told him to attend the meeting.Supervisor Penny Kleintop asked if it would necessitate closing Lakeside Drive. He said it would be closed for a few hours and his is the only house on Lakeside between Pohopoco and Station Street.Christman will be responsible for all costs.Solicitor Tom Nanovic said there has to be some kind of agreement, and when Christman handed a letter to him and the supervisors, he said that could be the basis for an agreement.The supervisors and roadmaster will meet at the site.The No Trespassing signs at the ball field have been removed but the Safety Zone ones are not in place.All permits for work at the fields have been applied for and Chris Storm of the Carbon County Conservation District has been contacted.Bruce Reiner has been appointed tax collector beginning Jan. 15. He replaces Mary Beers.Delinquent garbage accounts are being sent for collection.Hanover Engineering has requested Towamensing and Lower Towamensing each appoint five members to a committee to rewrite the zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances. Hanover is helping with the project.Joint meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month. The first one will be at Towamensing at 6 p.m. Towamensing members will be Connie Bieling, Guy Seifert, Christine Meinhart, Rodney George and the fifth member will be Penny Kleintop and Tom Newman who will alternate in the position.The township will advertise for material to continue to improve State Police Road which is a gravel road near Betsy Squires veterinary clinic. Drain pipes were put in place last year.Two National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather radios will be purchased at $50 each. One will be kept at the township office and the other will be with either Kleintop or Newman.Glenn Beers questioned whether the work being done at the salt shed will prevent water runoff onto his fields. He thinks the grate is in the wrong place for the water to flow into a catch basin.Newman said they would have Engineer Ron Tirpak come out and look at the site with Beers and supervisors."Everyone else has to maintain drainage but not here," said Beers.Palmerton Area Library board member Charles Laviolette wanted to bring some financial numbers to the supervisors' attention before work begins on the new budget.He said state subsidies are down to $37,000, a $4,000 loss; the school district payment is down from $15,300, a $3,000 loss; Horsehead Development's contribution was $7,000 for the first half and if the second half is the same it will be down by $5,500.The township now has 4,477 people and the library requests $1 per person donation from the townships. "Talk of the Town" Channel 13 will feature the library during September.An industrial leaf blower was stolen from the township on Aug. 25. It was new at a cost of $450 but the road crew said the old blower works better than the new one did.Three new properties, making a total of five recent applications, have applied to be in the Ag. Security Area. "Roy Christman worked hard to get more people to sign up," said Kleintop.Kibler School will hold a Good Old Days celebration on Oct. 8, 1-3 p.m. It is the intention to have people who attended the school tell their stories. The event is open to the public.Historical Commission chairman Carol Copeland asked if anyone read Leon Christman's life story which he wrote a few years ago. She said it is fascinating. A guest speaker at the Oct. 27, 7 p.m., meeting of the Commission will speak about herbology.Newman said drive-through flu shots will be available at the Palmerton Fire Company Oct. 8, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is no cost.He said September is National Preparedness Month. People who take the County Emergency Response Team classes will be capable of helping others when needed. The September class is filled.Zoning hours for September are 7, 14, 21 and 28, 5-7 p.m. or by appointment at or 610-681-4202 ext. 11.