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Barletta clears up discrepancy, airport to receive $1.8M grant

WASHINGTON - U.S. Representative Lou Barletta, PA-11, cleared up a discrepancy between the amount requested for a project and the amount granted by the Federal Aviation Administration, and that means the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport will receive an additional $700,000 for a much-needed improvement project.

Yesterday, Barletta announced that the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport would receive a $1.1 million grant to improve the airport's access road. However, this was less than the $1.84 million airport officials were seeking for the project.After the initial grant amount was released, Barletta worked to discover the reason for the apparent discrepancy. A short time later, the FAA said it will release the full $1.84 million requested."I'm happy we were able to secure the full amount of the grant for the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport, which is a critical economic development and job creation link in Northeastern Pennsylvania," Barletta said. "This grant should allow the access road project to move forward, and that will help make a good regional asset even better."The exact amount of the grant is now $1,842,069.