Schuylkill County court news
Accident suit
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Bloomington, Ill., file a civil action against Dorothy Goepfert, 36 Zehners Crossing Tamaqua R.D., seeking to recover uninsured bodily injury claim allegdlly paid to one of its insured clients, David Fisher, whose was reported injured in a collision with Goepfert's vehicle.The suit claims on April 1, 2009, at the intersection of SR309N and SR443 in West Penn Township, Goepfert's vehicle allegedly failed to yield the right-of-way and was involved in a collision with Fisher's vehicle.The insurance company claims Goepfert was uninsured and they paid Fisher $8,000 in a settlement and that Goepfert had agreed to pay the insurance company in monthly installments but has defaulted. The insurance company now seeks judgement for $17,915.92.Divorce grantedAmy Lynn Chandler was granted a divorce from Joseph Paul Chandler, both of Whitehall. They were married Sept. 15, 2001.Credit card debtPortfolio Recovery Associates, LLC, Norfolk, Va., filed civil suits against two Tamaqua people alleging they have defaulted credit card payments.One suit is against Jan S. Laurenti, 418 Mountain Avenue, alleging he owes a balance of $15,913.14 and the second suit is against Michele M. Attiyeh, 21 Miller Lane, alleging a balance of $1,398.94 is owed.American Express Centurion Bank, Salt Lake City , UH., filed a civil action against Dennis A. Wolfe, 33 E. Schmaltzdahl Road, New Ringgold, alleging he owes a balance of $19,981.41.Owe school taxTamaqua Area School District filed an action against Robert and Elna Schlorf alleging they owe $791.13 in back school taxes on their property at 203 Clay St., Tamaqua.Terminate programsShane Matthew Kerrigan, 20, Gilberton, was given a chance by the court to clear his name of a criminal record but he failed to live up to the rules and the program was revoked by Judge Charles M. Miller.Kerrigan was placed in the Accelerated Rehabilative Disposition (ARD) probation program, which is reserved for first offenders. If he had completed 12 months on probation without breaking the rules he could have cleared his name. He now faces trial on a charge of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol.Heidi Sue Clocker, Minersville, was removed by Judge Cyrus Palmer Dolbin from the Schuylkill County Restricted Intermediate Punishment program for violating the rules and was re-sentenced on a DUI charge to serve 18 months to five years confinement in a state correctional institution. She receives 49 days credit. Clocker had pleaded guilty in February 2008 and was placed in the IPP for 60 months.Revoke paroleMichael Paul Kryworuka, 36, of Crystal Lane, Barnesville, had his parole revoked by Judge Dolbin and his 277 days of street time taken away and added to his maximum sentence which was extended to May 24, 2012. He may apply for parole after Dec. 1, 2011, only if he agrees to undergo drug and alcohol evaluation. Kryworuka pleaded guilty in December 2009 and after serving 93 days in prison was released on parole.Kenneth Michael Neifert, 25, of 32 Valley Street, New Philadelphia, had his reparole revoked by Judge John E. Domalakes for violating conditions and was recommitted to the county prison with a loss of 107 days of street time which will be added to his maximum sentence which as extended to Feb. 18, 2013.Neifert pleaded guilty in May 2010 to fleeing police and driving while his license was suspended and was sentenced to serve one to 23 months in the county prison. The parole was revoked in February 2011 and his maximum sentence was extended to Nov. 20, 2012, and he was again granted parole but it was again revoked.Ernest D. Schaffer, 22, Pine Grove, had his parole revoked by Judge Dolbin and he was re-committed to the county prison and his 109 days of street time were added to his maximum sentence. He had pleaded guilty to DUI in November 2010 and after three days in prison was placed on parole for six months.Extend probationJennifer Tess Hollywood, 33, Port Carbon, had her probation revoked by Judge Domalakes and she was re-sentenced to serve five years on probation, has to secure employment within 60 days, report in person each Friday to her probation officer and present at least three new applications she submitted to employers for the week and must perform 100 hours of community service. Holltywood pleaded guilty to giving false sworn statements to police concerning subsidized rent payments to the Pottsville Housing Authority.