Published August 18. 2011 05:01PM
State police at Fern Ridge are investigating an attempted break-in at a Monroe County home.
Troopers said the incident occurred at a residence along Alpha Drive, in Alpha Acres, in Jackson Township. Two white males attempted to enter the residence about 2:20 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 16, but were scared off by the homeowner's dog. The two were attempting to remove an air conditioner when the homeowner, only identified as a 45-year-old female, confronted them.The two fled in a black in color Toyota.The two were described as being between the ages of 17-20, about five-feet, six or seven-inches tall. One suspect had brown hair and was wearing tan shorts and the other was wearing a red baseball cap and blue jean shorts.Troopers also reported on two acts of criminal mischief.Janet Magrossky, of 537 McIlhaney Rd., in Chestnuthill Township, reported someone threw eggs on her 2007 Honda Accord while parked at her residence. The criminals also put toliet paper on two trees in the driveway. The incident occurred on July 25 between 1 and 7:30 a.m.Troopers said unknown criminals cut the lock that secures a gate leading into the state forest at the end of Camelback Road, in Jackson Township. The incident occurred sometime overnight of July 24-25.