Published August 10. 2011 05:01PM
NL Freshman Orientation Day
On Thursday, Aug. 25, Northern Lehigh High School will hold Freshman Orientation Day.The transition from middle school to high school is often difficult for many students and the purpose of this day is to introduce the students to their new surroundings and prepare them for the final stages of their public education.During orientation day, students will be introduced to the high school administration and faculty, assigned lockers/combination locks, tour the building, and attend scheduled classes. Students will get to know the faculty as they work together to complete a Northern Lehigh Scramble activity. The administration will also provide the students with pertinent information regarding school policies, rules, and procedures.The orientation will last the entire school day (7:11 a.m. to 2:06 p.m.), except for students scheduled to attend Lehigh Career and Technical Institute, who will be dismissed after lunch at 12:30 p.m.Bus transportation will be available to and from students' regular bus stops and a free lunch will be provided.Parents should make every effort to ensure that their child attends this important day.Any questions should be directed to Robert Vlasaty, principal, Northern Lehigh High School, or Jonathan DeFrain, ninth grade transitions coordinator.Call (610) 767-9832 if you have any questions of concerns.Slatington Lions ClubThe Slatington Lions Club will hold a board meeting at the Skeet Club this evening at 7 p.m.