Published August 08. 2011 05:02PM
State police at Schuylkill Haven reported investigating a burglary and theft incidents occurring at Schuylkill County locations.
The break-in occurred at 254 Red Church Road, in West Brunswick Township. The unoccupied structure was entered through the main door. Taken was a Tama drum set and two large porcelain bowls. Entry was gained sometime between June 1 and Saturday, Aug. 6. The home is owned by Elaine Reed, 64, of New Philadelphia.The unlocked 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee of Caitlyn N. Burke, 19, of 48 N. Third St., Cressona, was entered while parked behind her residence. Removed from the vehicle was a iPod Nano 8 gigabyte along with its cord and charger with a total estimated value of $200. The incident occurred sometime between 2 and 6 a.m. on Friday. Aug. 5.Another vehicle was entered in Cressona. A 17-year-old female reported her unlocked 1995 Ford Tarus was entered and a wallet removed which contained $10. The car was parked along Front St. The incident occurred sometime between 6 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 4, and 9:55 a.m. on Friday.Also in Cressona, Thomas P. Gregonis, of Cherry St., reported someone removed the keyless garage door entry pad from his property sometime between 6:30 p.m. Thursday and 10:30 a.m. on Friday.Anyone with information on any of these incidents is asked to call troopers at (570)-593-2000.