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Men of Marian Summer Picnic held in Hometown

The Men of Marian held their 41st annual Summer Picnic over the weekend at the Marian Catholic High School in Hometown.

Despite mostly sunny weather, sporadic rain storms didn't stop people from coming and enjoying themselves, as a very large tent canopy helped to keep guests dry. The three-day event consisted of a large flea market, games, music, kids activities, food, and more.All unsold flea market items were donated to the Tamaqua Salvation Army.Sue Ann Gerhard, Marian Development Office, and other organizers stressed their appreciation of all the sponsors, students, parents, and volunteers that came together for this successful event.

ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Going through flea market items during the flea market, from left, are Marian High School students Derich Holman, 16, Jordan Weber, 17, Jacquie Goulstone, 17, and Amanda McHugh, 16. The students also helped Salvation Army volunteers carry out all hundreds of donated and unsold items.