Palmerton Area Library updates
The Palmerton Area Library, located at 402 Delaware Ave., offers a variety of activities.
Summer Reading program: Friday July 29 at 10:30 a.m., "Bugs, Baboons, and Story Tunes" will be presented by singer and guitarist/banjoist Tom Sieling, and will feature humorous, participatory songs for kids that engage the whole family.Adults, teens and kids, sign up for the "Read Around the World" contest and compete in your age group for fun prizes. Add a link to the chain for each book you read during the summer months.Prizes will be awarded in September. All library patrons are welcome to participate. Contest ends Sept. 1.Knitting Club: A free knitting club for area residents interested in knitting, crocheting and other crafts meets on the first and third Monday of each month at the library from 6-8 p.m. New members are welcome.Yoga: Yoga classes are offered on Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. Call (570) 436-1762 for more information.Book Sale: Everything is half price from Aug. 1-Sept. 10. The library sponsors a used book sale in the basement on a daily basis. New used books arrive daily along with videos, puzzles and CDs. Lots of good paperbacks and children's books are available.Board of Trustees Meeting: The board of directors of the Palmerton Area Library meets the third Wednesday of each month at the library at 4 p.m.The next meeting will be Wednesday, Aug. 17. Meetings are open to the public.Friends of the Palmerton Area Library: Stop in the library to pick up a membership form or join online and find out opportunities to volunteer and serve the library. Visitors and new members are welcome. The next meeting will be Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m.Teen Advisory Group: The group is currently remodeling and painting a section of the library basement. The teens are planning a mini golf tournament in the library Sept. 10. Join the fun between 4-7 p.m. Call for more information. The Teen Advisory Group is for students in grades 7-12 and meets at the library after school on the first Wednesday of the month.New members are always welcome.Watercolor classes for kids: Ongoing classes, call the teacher at (610) 824-4962 for more information about signing up.Preschool Story Hour: Preschool Story Hour will resume on Sept. 2.Third Monday Book Club: The adult book club will resume on Sept. 19. They will discuss "Cutting for Stone" by Abraham Verghese. The club meets the third Monday of each month at the library from 12-1:15 p.m. Stop in at the library for more information. New members welcome.Volunteer program: The library has started a new volunteer program. Ask at the desk for a volunteer packet and sign up to help shelve books, work in the book sale, decorate the display window, adopt a shelf, help with the teen group, etc. Individuals must be at least 13 years old.Golf tournament: The first annual Palmerton Area Library Open To Keep The Palmerton Area Library Open Golf Tournament will take place at the Blue Ridge Country Club on Sept. 17. Call the library for more information.