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Chestnuthill Township has been approved StormReady

Don Zipp, Chestnuthill Township's emergency management coordinator reported to the Chestnuthill Township board of supervisors that the West End Ambulance responded to 96 calls and the West End Vol. Fire Co. responded to 78 calls for the month of June.

Zipp said the West End Vol. Fire Co. attended the Monroe County quarterly training meeting and is now National Weather Service StormReady approved. It means it can help educate the community through public education in how to respond properly to weather threats.Supervisor Chris Eckert added that Chestnuthill Township was the most represented at the county meeting.Scott Shearer of Public Financial Management Inc. addressed the supervisors' board about refinancing the township's 2006 bond."We refinanced your 2003 bond last year and saved you about $60,000. We hope to realize a substantial savings for your 2006 bond," he said.In answer to a question from resident Stuart Thody at the last month's supervisor's meeting about the costs of the Merwinsburg Hotel to the township, township manager Dave Albright said that the bills for its upkeep from fuel, telephone, public utilities and insurance was $3,810.46 for 2010.Chris McDermott, the township engineer, said the next step to take in trying to find a resolution to the flooding issue of Bonser Drive is to inspect the seepage rings on Maggie Morales property to see if they are clean of debris and properly working and then to do soil test probes to determine where the water table is and how much water the ground can handle. The board asked township solicitor, Joseph McDonald, to prepare a hold harmless agreement for the property owners to sign to give the township access to their property and a letter to send to the landowners explaining the four proposals of what could be done to help alleviate the flooding.The board approved, 3-0, awarding a bid for road paving to Hanson Aggregates at $78 per ton for a unit price total of $258,882. The roads to be paved are Merwinsburg Road, Sun Valley Mountain Road, Mohawk Avenue and McIllhaney Road.Supervisor Dave Fleetwood asked if this was budgeted and Albright said that $260,000 had been budgeted but the paving must be done before Aug. 31, 2011.In answer to the question "Is it legal for residents to video tape/record public township meetings?" that was asked at the June 1 meeting, Supervisor Fleetwood and Solicitor McDonald both said they researched the question and the answer is "yes" it is legal.The A&E Group requested an open ended waiver of the proposed Gilbert Post Office located on Gilbert Road. Engineer McDermott stated that there were conditions on the plan that have not yet been met. After lengthy discussion, Supervisor Chairman Chuck Gould said he didn't see how they could grant the waiver without opening the door for future property owners asking for the same. The request was tabled until the owners, Robert and Donna Coleman, could get in contact with the United States Postal Service and decide whether or not to apply for a preliminary plan.The board approved 3-0 the following:*for Cathy Martinelli, township office manager, to attend the PLGSA conference Aug. 17-20. Registration cost is $260 and hotel cost is $376, which was budgeted.*a donation of $250 for the Adopt A Stream Sponsorship to the Brodhead Watershed Association, also a budgeted amount*a release of performance guarantee of $73,947.50, which the township held in escrow, to Cingular Wireless. Twp. office manager Martinelli said there is an outstanding fee of $452.94 which she notified the company of. McDonald said that if she did not receive a check for that amount by the time she was to release the guarantee, she should deduct the $452.94 from the $73,947.50.*the release of a portion of the $430,253.82 performance guarantee to Brodheadsville LP (Tractor Supply) because the road has been paved with a base coat and the block building is completed. Only $420,436.32 will be released until a correction is made concerning the storm water system.*the Wawa sewage maintenance agreement at the request of Helen Beers, the township sewage enforcement officer, because repairs were made.*a correction to the Tractor Supply (LDP) Keystone Engineering plan. A WB 62 truck is to be used instead of a WB 65 truck.*a correction to the Kloiber/Cumminskey minor subdivision plan lot line adjustment. An initial had to be changed from Gerald R. to Gerald D.*the next public supervisors' meeting to be held on Tuesday, Aug. 2 at 7 p.m.Attorney Todd Weitzmann has left the firm of Crammer, Swetz and McManus and is now a member of the Scanlon, Lewis and Williamson firm. The supervisors approved, 3-0, to have Weitzmann continue representing the township's legal matters he was handling before his move.There will be an Art in the Park event at the Chestnuthill Twp. Park on Sunday, July 24 from 12-4 p.m. and Music in the Park on Sunday, July 24 from 2-5 p.m. featuring the musical entertainment of "Change of Heart."Supervisor Dave Fleetwood reported that there will not be a Chestnuthill Twp. Historical Society meeting in July but if anyone would like to help clean up the Merwinsburg Hotel surroundings, please contact the township municipal building at 570-992-7247.He also reported that if anyone would like to help clear brush at the site of the West End Regional Park off Evergreen Hollow Road on Merwine-Hilltop Road in Brodheadsville, the help would be greatly appreciated. Contact the township municipal building for days and times of the work days.