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Next Adventures to the Ancients in Delaware Water Gap

Adventures to the Ancients offers free open space hikes led by Bill Sweeney, an old growth forest enthusiast, botanist and longtime DCNR naturalist with Jacobsburg E.E. Center and Don Miller, an open space advocate, longtime teacher, botanist and naturalist with Pocono Heritage Land Trust.

The next hike is to Godfrey Ridge and Brodhead Creek / Delaware Water Gap, Sunday, June 26, 1-5 p.m.The old hardwood forest growing in the Pocono's can be found growing along a steeply wooded slope just north and west of the Village of the Delaware Water Gap. Only recently documented, this forest is diverse and contains some of the oldest rhododendron under story in the state. Although determining exact ages of ancient trees can be difficult because of heartwood rot, one Pignut Hickory tree growing here was determined to be at least 250 years of age after taking a core sample and counting tree rings. You will also listen for and search out beautiful songbirds like Scarlet tanagers and American redstarts as this site is a very productive habitat and nesting area for a great variety of neo-tropical songbirds. This total walk of five miles is reasonably level and easy.Registration is required. The program is free with suggested donations asked to support the Pocono Heritage Land Trust's Preserve Management fund. Contact Bill Sweeny, 610-746-2808 or by email wisweeney@state.pa.us.Please dress appropriately for weather conditions, wear sturdy comfortable hiking boots and bring plenty of water and energy snacks.All hikes are held snow, rain or shine.Lehigh Valley participants meet at 12 p.m. at the Jacobsburg E.E. Center main parking lot located off Belfast Road, south of Wind Gap. Pocono Area participants meet at 1 p.m. in the PA Visitors Center parking lot on River Road just off I 80 and Broad Street in Delaware Water Gap.