Several administrative positions realigned
Palmerton Area School District has realigned several administrative positions.
The school board unanimously agreed on Tuesday to approve the change in assignment for Sherrie Fenner, director of curriculum & instruction, to Director of Curriculum & Instruction and Secondary Level Discipline Support, effective July 1, 2011.In addition, the board, on a 7-2 vote, approved William Congdon, who had served as associate high school principal/athletic director, as a substitute administrator, for a period of greater than 10 days at a time, at a salary of $200 per day, effective June 30, 2011. Directors Tina Snyder and Stuart Henritzy were opposed.Also on Tuesday, the board heard a presentation from Mary Kay Bukeabich of the Nutrition Group.Bukeabich told the board several equipment upgrades were needed for next year.She said two merchandisers, as well as a new Point of Sales System, were needed, and added that there are sufficient funds in the cafeteria fund to purchase those items.Later on in the meeting, the board agreed to purchase two merchandisers at a cost of $7,039. No action was taken on the Point of Sales System.In other business, the board:- Approved the appointment of Meghan Garrett to the vacant position of school psychologist, effective Aug. 10, 2011, at a rate of $45,000.- Approved Holly Sell, K-2; Roberta Beckley, third grade; Kristin Borger, fourth grade, Deanna Iles, fifth grade; and Kathryn Hassler, sixth grade, as curriculum coordinators at S.S. Palmer/Parkside for the 2011-12 school year at the teachers' negotiated contract rate.- Approved Joyce Paulinho, K-2; Deborah Hard, third grade; Kris Hoffner, fourth grade; Joan Greene, fifth grade; and Diane Morgan, sixth grade, as curriculum coordinators at Towamensing Elementary for the 2011-12 school year at the teachers' negotiated contract rate.- Approved Tom Smelas, Business; Anna Corby/Bonnie Tavella (co-coordinators), English; Jose Elvir, Foreign Language; Carol Andrews, K-12 Health/Physical Education; Pam Wuest, Mathematics; John Hrebik, Science; and Mike Gombert/Paul McArdle (co-coordinators), Social Studies, as curriculum coordinators at the senior high school for the 2011-12 school year at the teachers' negotiated contract rate.- Approved Kathy Englert, Math/Science; Kevin Kolodziejski and Patti Jo Boyd (co-coordinators) Language Arts; Mike Stefanek, Social Studies; and Jack Sweeney, K-12 Humanities, as curriculum coordinators at the junior high school for the 2011-12 school year at the rate per the teachers' negotiated contract rate.- Approved the addition of Amy Kline, Darlene Dugan, Ann Therese Plocinik, Lori Schaffer, Dianne Smelas, Tami Cunfer and Kelly Recker to the substitute secretary list, effective June 30, 2011.- Approved the addition of Tricia Wampole, Kathryn McKeon, Dawn Burke, James George, Stacy White, Matthew Krempasky, Ryan Sharkazy, Kelly Ruddick, Rebecca Sabo, and Caitlin Varga to the day-to-day substitute teacher list, effective June 30, 2011.- Approved the addition of Hughes, Kline, Dugan, Plocinik, White and Recker to the substitute instructional assistant lists, effective June 30, 2011.- Approved Ray Saxe, Philip McGarry and James Ruth to the substitute custodian list, effective June 30, 2011.- Approved the transfer of Terry Heiney from position of custodian to lead custodian assigned to the high school, effective July 1, 2011, at an annual stipend of $1,500.- Approved the removal of Jeffrey Mann from the substitute custodian list, effective May 30, 2011.- Approved the establishment of the Palmerton Area School District Special Athletic Fund.- Approved to account for athletic expenses/revenue within the general fund (expenses with the exception of officials) per recommendation of the district's auditor.- Approved the Workers' Compensation Insurance Policy with the PMA through USI Insurance Services, effective July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. The 2011-12 estimated premium is $75,704.- Approved Ace American Insurance Co. compulsory program, which provides coverage for all students K-12, all sports, gym classes, and field trips as offered by First National Insurance Agency, LLC, Mid-Penn Division, at a total cost of $27,995, paid by the district for the 2011-12 school year. The premium for the optional 24-hour student accident coverage is $75, paid by the parents, at no cost to the district.- Approved the financial accounting software package renewal for the 2011-12 fiscal year through Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit at a cost of about $19,546.- Tabled, on a 7-2 vote, with directors Susan Debski and board President Barry Scherer opposed, the acknowledgment of the first reading of Policy 620, Fund Balance.- Approved the bonding for 2011-12 as follows: The Hoffman Agency, president, at $250,000, vice president at $250,000, secretary at $250,000, superintendent and business manager at $25,000 each, at the total cost of $592; the Person Agency, treasurer, at $20,000 at a cost of about $20; Carbon County, Bowmanstown Tax Collector, at $292,279, Lower Towamensing Tax Collector at $1,171,214, Palmerton Tax Collector at $1,814,312, and Towamensing Tax Collector at $2,086,146, expiring in 2012-13, bonds set by judge, four year bonds; and Berkheimer bonds - EIT at $71,000, delinquent per capita at $4,500, and LST at $1,500 at no cost to the district.- Approved the 2011-12 Athletic Bids at the cost of $16,687.- Approved the 2011-12 Shop Specialties Machinery Maintenance Contract at a cost of $1,300.- Agreed to retain Attorney David B. Shulman as board solicitor, effective July 1, 2011 until June 30, 2012, at the reduced hourly rate of $120.- Appointed, on an 8-1 vote, with Snyder opposed, Dr. Patrick Sewards as School Physician for the 2011-12 school year at the cost of $8,000 for services.- Appointed Dr. Scott Aldinger,
D.D.S. as School Dentist for the 2011-12 school year at the flat rate of $750.- Approved, on an 8-0 vote with one abstention, Debski as board treasurer, effective July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, at the rate of $400. Debski abstained from the vote.- Authorized the superintendent to make and release payments for the remaining June accounts payable and July accounts payable.- Agreed to give administration authorization to utilize PATH and BHA for out of district placement on an as-needed basis.- Approved the Renaissance Learning, Inc., contract renewal through Aug. 31, 2012, for $3,204, paid from IDEA Stimulus Funds.- Tabled the 2012 Lifetouch Yearbook Publication Agreement renewal for S.S. Palmer Elementary School as per their specifications. The board then amended the motion to allow for Request for Proposals to go out for bids.- Approved, on a 6-3 vote, with Directors Michael Ballard, Clarence Myers, and Scherer opposed, the Assignment and Transfer of Rights in Copyrightable Material of the school logo from John (Bo) Rodrigues for $300 and a pass to all home games of all sports of Palmerton Area School District for five years.- Accepted the resignation of Mary Beers as Towamensing Township Tax Collector, effective Jan. 15, 2012.- Accepted the status that the members of the senior class of 2011 have completed the graduation requirements set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Board of Education of the Palmerton Area School District.- Tabled the contract with Woodstone Country Club for the class of 2012 prom.- Denied the 40-day extension of sick leave for employee #8487.- Approved the disability leave in conjunction with Family Medical Leave on May 26, 2011 for employee #8487. The return to work date is to be determined.- Approved the disability leave in conjunction with Family Medical Leave beginning about Oct. 10, 2011 for employee #0429. The return to work date is to be determined.- Approved the agreement with student #9237.- Approved the agreement with student #10019.- Approved various facilities contracts.- Approved the attached tuition reimbursement.- Announced the next school board meeting will be held at 5 p.m. July 12.