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Community Center coordinator in Summit Hill gives resignation

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There's one available in Summit Hill. The applicant for the post should be a Summit Hill resident.The job entails scheduling events at the Community Center, meeting with potential clients and showing the hall, opening the center for special events, locking it up afterwards, sometimes scrubbing the floor, filling toilet paper and paper towel holders, and making sure the kitchen equipment is clean.The rate of pay?What pay?The position is for a volunteer.Monica Marshall, who has been the Community Center coordinator since it opened two years ago, told the borough council last night she's stepping down.She said she will stay for another 30 days until a replacement is found.She listed "personal reasons" as her reason for resigning.Marshall is also president of the Summit Hill Recreation Commission, a position she will retain.Mayor Paul McArdle suggested that the position be made a paid one, with funding coming from rental fees.Council members said they have no money to make it a paid position, and that the fees charged for use of the building cover utilities and other costs.The Community Center is utilized for baby showers, bridal showers, wedding receptions, banquets, and other dinner events.In other business:• Council is seeking a company to repair exhaust units in the borough fire station. One member of the fire department said four of the five exhaust units aren't working. The units are designed to remove diesel exhaust from the fire station.• A letter will be sent to the Carbon County Commissioners indicating council's support of a county effort to obtain a government grant for the emergency communications narrow-band conversion project.• The Summit Hill Community Improvement Organization is working on plans to celebrate the anniversary of Ludlow Park in 2014. SHCIO was given permission to hang banners around the park indicating that upcoming anniversary.• Borough Secretary Kira Michalik said there will be a Chinese Auction/Bake Sale on Sunday, June 26, at the American Fire Co. No. 1 of Lansford. Proceeds will go to Matthew Tyler Aungst family. Angst was a junior firefighter who died recently. She said anyone wishing to donate a basket, item, gift certificate or baked good can drop them off at the Summit Hill Borough Hall.