Grads challenged to be fulfilled in life Failure is not an ending point, but a learning process, Weatherly valedictorian tells class
Weatherly graduates were encouraged by their class valedictorian to "continue onward with their goals, no matter the obstacle," during last night's 123rd commencement held in the middle school gymnasium.
The graduates entered to the fanfare and processional, the evening started with the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner" by Rebekah McFadden.High school principal Thomas McLaughlin gave opening remarks, followed by Frank Victor, school superintendent."There's no doubt in my mind that everyone of us can go one to meet the challenges of our futures, we all have been prepared to make any and all of the difficult choices that will come before us," Salutatorian Brittany Alexis David said in the opening address to her fellow classmates. "Just remember that you're all fireworks, so let your colors burst, keep on dancin' 'til the world ends, fake it 'til you make it, check yourself before you wreck yourself, and we're all on the edge of glory."Valedictorian Andrew Joseph Vack said that "every second we are lucky enough to have on this planet is worth enjoying." In remembering Ian Hinkle, a friend of the graduates who died in 2009, he said that Ian "lived life to the fullest, and I think we should all strive to do just the same as a memorial to our late friend.""Being mindful of such terrible things happening in this world such as the worsening conditions of lifestyles worldwide, the constant threats to our safety from terrorist activities, and the repulsive state of our economy, I believe that we cannot allow such things to stop us from loving life," Vack added."Continue onward with your goals no matter the obstacle you face. Failure is not an ending point, but a learning process. If at first you do not succeed, try, try again."I present you with the challenge. I dare you to return to this school in 50 years not only having become successful, but fulfilled in life."I want to see great things come from this class, maybe a cure for cancer or maybe the next Bill Gates or two, and I wish you the best of luck with all of your adventures."For all of those parents out there tonight who have greatly stressed the importance of education, I suppose we owe you a great bit of thanks. You weren't only trying to nag us about doing our homework, but you were really trying to help us attain a great education."In her commencement address, attorney Jane (Seigendall) Sebelin told the graduates that they would be successful if they are decisive."If instead of letting the world dictate itself to you, you seize the conflict, the dilemma and put yourself into it and make a decision that reflects who you are. If you take the time to know yourself, decisions will also come easier to you," she said.The WAHS Alumni Association Scholarship was presented by Joshua Titus of the Weatherly Area High School Alumni Association.Diplomas were then presented by John Toft, Jr., president of the Weatherly Area School Board and Victor, superintendent.The final speaker for the evening was Joseph M. Connors, President of the Class of 2011 who told everyone "we still need help with molding ourselves into the people we aspire to be one day. Some of us will get this help in school, some of us will get it in the military, while others get it by jumping into the workforce. In the end, we'll all end up as something unique, but we will all have been built on the same foundation."After closing remarks by Victor, the graduates, audience, and the Weatherly High School Band and Chorus joined in playing and singing the school's Alma Mater, followed by the recessional music played by the high school band.