Nominations needed for historic preservation award
Nominations for residents of Towamensing Township who are considered as having done the most outstanding job of preserving or restoring their historic property are eligible for the Historic Commission's preservation award. For information about how to nominate email are at the township office. The deadline is Aug. 15. The announcement was made at the June 2 supervisosrs' meeting.Supervisor Penny Kleintop said an executive session was held May 26 to discuss the state police building at the new township site. No action was taken or is planned at this time.Carbon Engineering requested a waiver from the subdivision and land development ordinance for the Koch Bridge project. The ordinance requires that water discharge after development may be no more than prior to development. The request will be sent to the planning commission for comment.Resident Josephine Cacace was not satisfied with the improvement on the shoulder of her road. She said the road is breaking more. Roadmaster Rodney George will go out again on June 3.Solicitors for Towamensing and Lower Towamensing, Tom and Jim Nanovic respectively, provided comments on rewriting the SALDO and zoning ordinances to match the comprehensive plan. Hanover Engineering is doing the work.Kleintop asked Fire Chief Wayne Knirnschild if Towamensing Fire Company ever came to the township to request permission for a private smoking club for bingo night.He said there was never any reason to since it has been in effect for 15 years.Kleintop made a motion to approve all company fundraisers and events that do not allow smoking. The vote was 2-1 with Supervisor Tom Newman voting against it.Bids will be requested for diesel fuel, heating oil and salvage of the burned truck. Since there were no bids for line painting at the June meeting that will be readvertised.Planning Commission Solicitor Michael Greek will attend only those meetings where the commission thinks it will be beneficial. He is to get one week's notice.The Towamensing Fire Police will work at the Carbon County Fair Aug. 10-14 and at the State Firefighters Parade and Convention in Lake Harmony on Sept. 24.A contract was signed with Bobby O'Gurek for web design services.Kidder Township was accepted as a member of the joint board of appeals.Replacing a pole and lights at the recreation field cost $9,623. Ross Haydt put the lights up. Insurance covered $4,000 but there is a $500 deductible.Kleintop said the township has been reminding the recreation commission to turn off lights which were once reported burning at 2 a.m. She was told parents were spreading infield mix at that time.Supervisors met at the fields with Engineer Ron Tirpak and found there is sufficient room for another Little League field. However, the space will be used for a softball field when it is built.Thank you cards were received from Mary Beth Beers and Rick Mertz for sympathy cards received from the township.George Fetch presented a letter of interest for a position on the zoning hearing board. He will be interviewed by the board.Linda Ohl of Deer Lane told Kleintop a number of cats were left behind when the owners moved. There are now 40 adult cats and 20 to 30 kittens in the area. Some kittens have been captured and taken to Friends of Animals.Kleintop said a code enforcement officer is needed, but Resident George White said it is a matter of morality. Enforcement will not be successful.Bids for road materials were awarded: Wearing course 12.5 mm to Hansen Aggregates for $106,700, wearing course 9.5 mm to Lehigh Asphalt for $12,350, 1B stone from Eastern Industries for $8,124, 2A stone from Hansen Industries for $2,500 and emulsion from HRI Inc. at $51,200.Zoning office hours for June are June 8, 15, 22 and 29 from 5-7 p.m. or by appointment. Call 610-681-4202 ext. 11.