Published June 06. 2011 05:01PM
State police at Fern Ridge reported investigating a burglary, theft and criminal mischief incidents.
The break-in occurred at the home of Alice Albert, 54, of Effort Neola Rd., at SR115, in Effort, Chestnuthill Township, Monroe County. Unknown persons entered the home through an unlocked rear window. Once inside they went through the house but apparently did not take anything. The incident occurred sometime between 2 a.m. and noon on Saturday, May 14.Troopers said scrap metal, tools and car parts were removed from a yard along Fairgrounds Road, in Chestnuthill Township sometime between May 16-18.Someone threw rocks at two windows at 56 Arapahoe Rd., in Penn Forest Township, Carbon County. One rock went through one window and damaged a coffee table. The incident occurred sometime between May 14 and 21.