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Schuylkill County Controller Kantner releases statement

Controller Melinda Kantner released the statement she had planned to read at Wednesday's work session of the Schuylkill County Commissioners before being asked to leave under escort of deputy sheriffs.

"Effective August 1st, all county items fitting the description of 'Materials and Supplies" will be placed on competitive bid. Unfortunately, there is a perception that only certain vendors are allowed to conduct business with the County of Schuylkill. If one doesn't 'play the game' by attending political fundraisers, contributing-either directly or through a friend/associate-to political campaigns, you are not allowed in. In essence, you must 'pay to play.'"PA County Code dictates that purchases between $4,000-$10,000 in value must have at least three quotes obtained-and these quotes must be maintained on file in the Office of the Controller for a period of three years. Purchases under the direction of Warden Berdanier (county prison) has repeatedly and consistently purchased products from a vendor in amounts of exceeding $3,000 but less than $4,000. Annual payments to this vendor exceed $60,000 per year. This practice is illegal per section 1803 of the PA County Code."Historically, the County budgets in excess of $1.2 million for Materials and Supplies for county offices/departments. Having contracted prices for items will be vital during the budget process. The Controller's Office will be happy to provide a comprehensive listing of both items and approximate number to be used for the bid list."The taxpayers of this County can no longer afford cronyism and political patronage. It is time to level the playing field and allow all interested vendors an opportunity to offer their goods and services. After all, the net result will be to ensure savings to the taxpayers of Schuylkill County."Later in the day she issued the following statement:"I have been haranguing Warden Berdanier since January 2010 to place items at the prison out on bid. The prison routinely (more frequently than every four weeks) orders items from Miller Distributing in Saint Clair. These orders exceed $3,000 but are less than $4,000. This is calculated and intentional to preclude the County Code which requires contracts of purchases $4,000 to $10,000 must have three quotes on fille. Annual expenditures to this vendor exceed $60,000."It is a simple matter to make a bid list of items and approximate number needed on an annual basis for the County. These items are advertised for bid and vendors are free to bid on some, any, all, or none of the items. After the bids are opened, the vendor submitting the lowest bid for particular items would be awarded a contract to supply those items to the county at the contracted price."The bottom line: Taxpayer dollars. Have certain vendors received the bulk of the County's business for years and years? You bet they have. Is this in the best interest of our taxpayers? It is if they are offering the lowest prices for the product, but that remains to be seen."I know that anything I bring before the commissioners between now and November they will construe it as political grandstanding. They want me to sit quietly in a corner and let them do what they want for the next six months. Ridiculous. I will continue to stand up for my taxpayers in this county."