Published June 02. 2011 05:17PM
The Panther Valley Middle School surpassed its goal for the American Cancer Society Relay. The goal of $2600 was set and with the penny wars, dress down in the high school and dress down in the middle school, they raised $4005.10.
The penny war winners were: sixth grade-Mrs. McBride, seventh grade Mrs. Williams. eighth grade- Mrs. Powell. The most money collected winners were: sixth grade -Mr. Evanko, seventh grade- Mr. DePuy and eighth grade- Ms. Laird.The homeroom with the largest collection of pennies, silver and sponsor money was Mr. Evanko's class with $567.79. Each homerooom had a theme for the relay and they made banners and dressed according to their theme. Some of the themes were Cooking for a Cure, Counting on a Cure and Fishing for a Cure.A check was presented to the American Cancer Society and the total will be added to the money that the entire school district has raised with other fund raisers throughout the year. During the afternoon awards program, it was agreed that PVMS principal Lisa Mace would kiss a pig. The students were very happy to see that promise fulfilled.The PV Elementary School will hold their first Mini Relay and dress down on June 2 and that money will be added to the total raised.The ACS Relay will take place at the Hometown Farmer's Market on June 24 and 25.
CAROL ZICKLER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS A group of sixth graders walk with their class for the American Cancer Society's Relay at the Panther Valley Middle School.