Published May 27. 2011 05:01PM
More than 70 local professionals, ranging from a politician to a massage therapist, spent time talking to Tamaqua Area Middle School students during the school's annual Career Day.
Career Day is a day where professionals are invited to talk to students concerning the benefits and duties of their profession.One of the speakers was Donald Serfass, who is the managing editor-features at the TIMES NEWS. He spoke about the field of journalism.Serfass, who recently earned multiple writing and photography awards from the PA Associated Press and Keystone Press Association, explained to students the many benefits and responsibilities of being a professional journalist and reporter, while also recalling many unusual and memorable experiences he's written about over the years.Serfass also pointed out that a journalist gathers and disseminates information that involves current events, trends, people, and issues.Reporters find sources for their work and they are usually expected to report in the most objective and unbiased way to serve the reader well.