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Dirk Yahraes new Chief of School Police/Security at Pleasant Valley

The Pleasant Valley School District board of directors approved:

*Hiring paraprofessional associates for the ESEA Title 1 Summer School at PVE at a weekly wage of $360-Jennifer Ansbach, Karin DePaul, Susan Ferretti, Christine Finelli, Holly Frantz, Lee-Ann Jacobson, Kim Karaman, Susan Marcin, Winterford Jay Ohland, Mary Smith, Silvia Suero-Rodriguez, Karen Voulo, Lynn Walling, Dawn Wilson, Arline Wojy.*the positions of teacher for the ESEA Title 1 summer school at PVE at a weekly wage of $460: Nicole Borger, Donna Cimino, Susan Geiger, Nancy Harkins, Melissa Kern, Danielle Kresge, Amy Miller, Jennifer Mulder, Monica Ohland, Dawn Phillips, Jeannine Saylor, Melissa Snyder, Robin Snyder, Todd Urland.*Hiring substitutes - Simona Babu, all areas; Huayang Cerbone, all areas; Joseph D'Anieri, all areas; Kristine Delmas, special education/elementary; Heather Garcia, special education/elementary; Jessica Moy/all areas; Jennifer Palffy, all areas; Stephanie Simcic, mathematics; Silvia Suer-Rodriguez, all areas; Kristen Callaghan, special education/elementary; Jeffrey Eberhardt, all areas; Melissa Kelso, elementary; Jaclyn Luciano, special education/elementary; Mary Mack, Spanish/ESL; Huayang Cerbone, monitor; Luddie Chatt, cafeteria wroker/custodian; James Crisafulli, paraprofessional associate; Curtis Frantz, custodian/maintenance; Denise Hopely, secretary; Heather Wadding, secretary; William Mingle, custodian.*hiring Dirk Yahraes as Chief of School Police/Security at an annual salary of $52,500, plus a stipend of $5,000, prorated, upon proper certification/approval to carry a weapon on his person as per Board Policy No. 705.1, effective May 13, 2011. He replaces position held by Richard Marsili.*David Biever as assistant varsity football coach; Jenny Kuntz and Drew Dymond as Jr. High Volleyball assistant coaches.*the affiliation agreement between Drexel University and PVSD, effective for a period not to exceed five years for field study, internship, practicum or student teaching experience.Ron Bielecki was approved for summer music director and Jillian Michaels as assistant music director.The board accepted the letters of resignation from: Stephanie Overpeck, security officer, effective Feb. 25, 2011; Jill Pierson, long-term substitute special eduction teacher, effective May 1, 2011; Marissa McKenna, effective Aug. 22, 2011.The board accepted letters of retirement from: Teresa Galicki, high school teacher, effective the conclusion of 2010-2011 school year; Karen Heckman, middle school teacher, effective the conclusion of the 2010-2011 school year; Marilyn Andress, PVE teacher, effective the end of the 2010-2011 school year; Cal J. O'Callaghan, courier, effective July 29, 2011.In business management, the board approved:*the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit #16 computer service rates for 2011-2012 as attached for the Bidding, fund Accounting, Payroll and Personnel applications at an estimated cost of $32,000*$2,714 for the purchase of 2011-2012 student planners for PVMS from School Speciality* with a "No" vote from James Spinola, $4,500 plus travel for Floyd Cooper, author visits and assemblies for PVE, Chestnuthill and Polk*$125 per hour to Domenico Cavaiuolo, Ph.D. for transitional evaluations for the term March 1, 2011 to Feb. 29, 2012*$7,209.12 to Camphill Special School for an extended school year enrollment for a student for the period of July 2-30, 2011, paid through IDEA funds.*$800 to Richard Mikula for Butterfly Days program at PVE May 26 and 27, 2011* bid awards to- Bognet, Inc. for $22,000 for Chestnuthill Elementary wheelchair lift; Quality Air Specialists, Inc. for HVAC air filters for $16,356.67; Barker & Barker Asphalt Paving for main campus repaving project for base bid of $287,743 and alternate $10,000.