2 Sunday Memorial Day services scheduled in Coaldale
Coaldale Borough will commemorate those who served with memorial services at 1 p.m. Sunday in the Seek section and at 2:30 p.m. at the Veteran's Garden on Third Street next to Borough Hall.
In case of rain, there will be one service at 2:30 p.m., held in the Coaldale Complex.William Gaddes, S/Sgt USAF (Ret.), will serve as master of ceremonies. The Rev. Wayne Benack, pastor of First Congregational Church, Coaldale, will offer the invocation at the Seek ceremony and the Rev. Daniel Matthewson, pastor of St. Mary's Orthodox Church, Coaldale, will offer the prayers at the veterans' garden ceremony.The Panther Valley High School Band, directed by Mark Christ, will provide patriotic music.Mayor Richard Corkery will speak, and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address will be recited by Cassandra Hoben, an eighth grade student at Our Lady of the Angels School in Lansford. Panther Valley student Shannon Morris, will recite In Flanders Field, and Logan's General Order will be recited by Panther Valley JROTC student Joseph Bevins.Aric Shubeck of Summit Hill, an Army ROTC member at Shippensburg University, will provide the main address at both services.Shubeck, a psychology major, is a 2010 graduate of Panther Valley High School. He participated all four years in the school's Junior ROTC program, where he achieved the rank of Battalion Commander and is attending Shippensburg on a four-year ROTC scholarship. He plans to enter the U.S. Army as a second lieutenant upon graduation.He is the son of Mike and Jacki Shubeck of Summit Hill. His maternal grandmother is Georgine Novitsky of Lansford. His paternal grandparents are Margaret Mary and Edward "Finky" Shubeck, who reside in Lansford. "Finky" was a Coaldale High School gridiron standout as a fullback during the era when the fullback was the primary running back. He is a member of the Carbon Sports Hall of Fame.Panther Valley High school senior Brittany Erbewill will sing "Traveling Soldier."The dedication of a Soldier's Cross will be held at the 2:30 p.m. ceremony at the Veterans Garden. The Cross will be blessed by the Rev. Matthewson.Nick Paraschak, M/Sgt USAF (Ret.), will read the names of deceased veterans, and the Panther Valley Junior ROTC rifle squad (1) honor guard will fire the rifle volley, followed by "Taps" played by Robert Kistler, of Bugles Across America.The programs this year are sponsored by the Coaldale American Legion Post 170 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #6982. then programs are dedicated to the late Jake Maruschak, who was treasurer of the Coaldale World War II Committee, which built the Veterans Memorial Garden.