Panther Valley news
VFW Ladies Auxiliary meets
The regular monthly meeting of the Nesquehoning VFW Ladies Auxiliary was held May 10 at the Post Home with President Amanda Breiner presiding.Post and auxiliary members were present at Redner's May 13-15 for the annual Buddy Poppy promotion. The 2011-2012 Poppy Queen is Olivia Dacey; members of her court are Christina Dacey, Emma Kattner and Alyssa Kattner. The Buddy Poppy King is Nicholas Ellis; his court members are Anthony Ellis, Jacob Ellis and Anthony Santore.The April 27 bloodmobile was canceled due to a mechanical breakdown. The next bloodmobile is scheduled for June 22.Jordan Nowacki, Tamaqua Area High School, received her Voice of Democracy awards at the Loyalty Day program on May 1. She also placed fourth in District 20 and received a monetary award from the district as well.The annual Loyalty Day Program on May 1 had a good turnout. Members were thanked for their food and dessert items.The annual Easter Egg Hunt was held on April 16 and was very successful.The annual JROTC awards were held Friday, May 13. President Breiner presented the two auxiliary awards.Donations were made to the Veterans Cruise and the Department Flag Fund.The district convention will be held in Albrightsville on Sunday, May 22, 2 p.m. Delegates are: Cathy Sommers, Ellen Driesbach, Anne Paulakovich, Audrey Gogal and Ann Adams. Alternates are: Maureen Hirochek, Mary Arieta, Beatrice Stianchie, Missy Hascher and Tillie Lakata.The department convention will be held in Gettysburg June 22-25. Delegates are: Maureen Hirochek, Ellen Driesbach and Missy Hascher. Alternates are: Cathy Sommers, Mary Arieta and Anne Paulakovich.Joint Installation of Officers will be held on Friday, May 27, at 7 p.m. Officers are to be present for photos at 6:30 p.m.Outlying cemeteries will be visited on Sunday, May 29, beginning on the Broad Mountain around noon. The annual Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, May 30. Participants are to meet at the recreation center and form up at 8 a.m. The parade will pull out promptly at 8:30 a.m. The main program will be held at the post home following the parade through town, followed by refreshments.The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 14, at 6:30 p.m., at the post home.Golden AgersThe annual Memorial Mass for six deceased members for the past year was attended by 60 people. Appropriate hymns were sung by the Golden Age Chorus.Following the Mass a meeting was held, attended by 39 members. A moment of silence was held for past member Ella Valent. Vice President Shirley Pavlick and Irene Hudasky read a suitable reading for Mother's Day entitled "And God Created Mothers."The next meeting will be held Monday, May 23 at 1 p.m. at St. Joseph's Hall, Summit Hill. Annual dues can be paid at any meeting. Anyone 55 and older is welcome to join the group.PV Women's ClubThe monthly meeting of The Panther Valley Women's Club, will be held Monday, May 23rd at 6:15 p.m. at The Viennese Villa, Coaldale. Members are reminded it is birthday month and annual dues will be collected.Donations to the food pantry are being collected, and donations to St. Luke's can be given in.Hostesses for the evening are Susan Matula-Mackay, Maryann Krajnak and Mildred Gaddes.For more information call President Sue Solt at (570) 645-3848