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Few choices exist in Lehighton area Primary Election

Lehighton area voters will have just two contests to decide when they turn out to vote in the 2011 Primary Election on Tuesday, May 17. Of the six municipalities and one school district, there are choices to be made in just two of them - the Lehighton School Board and a Republican nomination for supervisor in Mahoning Township.

Otherwise, complimentary voting will be the order of the day for uncontested candidates in Lehighton, Parryville and Weissport boroughs and East Penn and Franklin townships.LASD raceVoters are scheduled to fill six seats on the Lehighton Area School District Board of Education. Five of the positions are for four years while a two-year term is also slated to be filled.There are six candidates running on both the Democratic and Republican tickets for the five four-year terms. They are Wayne W. Wentz, 650 Fairyland Road, Larry E. Stern, 151 N. Ninth St., Jack Finnegan, 706 Twin Crest Drive, Andrew Yenser, 2239 Mahoning Drive West, Thomas A. Zimmerman IV, 15 Chapel Dr., and Rocky C. Ahner, 58 Second Ave.No one has filed a petition on either ballot to win a nomination for the two-year term of office.The district includes the boroughs of Lehighton, Weissport and Parryville and the townships of East Penn, Franklin and Mahoning.Mahoning TownshipIn the only other contested race, two candidates are running for one nomination on the GOP ticket for a seat on the Mahoning Township Board of Supervisors. They are Bruce R. Steigerwalt, 102 Manor Lane, and George Stawnyczyj, 129 Konowaletz Blvd. There is no Democratic candidate.Township voters are also scheduled to fill three seats on the board of auditors, for terms of two, four and six years. There is only one candidate, that being Republican Wallace Putkowski, 531 Seneca Road.Lehighton BoroughMeanwhile, there is no race in Lehighton Borough, where voters will fill five seats this year on the borough council.Four of those seats are for four-year terms. Running for them are Democrat Grant Hunsicker, 400 W. Fourth St., and Republicans Darryl W. Arner, 263 N. Ninth St., Duane A. Dellecker, 638 Iron St., John Kreitz, 259 N. Second St., and Bessie Bauchspies, 101 Millway St.No one is running on either ticket for the two-year term on council.Parryville BoroughIn Parryville, there are two seats on the council to be filled, both for four-year terms. And there are only two candidates on the ballot, those being Democrat Sharon J. Keiser, 293 Main St., and Republican Michael Grant, 117 Main St.WeissportWeissport's situation is similar to Parryville's in that it has just enough candidates for the three positions to be filled.Democrat Theresa Troutman, 210 Franklin St., is running for the Democratic nomination for the two-year term as tax collector.There are two four-year terms on the council to be filled this year. There are also only two candidates, Republican Susan Pywar, 425 White St., and Democrat Arland F. Moyer Sr., 306 White St.East Penn TownshipThere are no races in East Penn Township this time around, but there will be in November.Township voters are expected to select two supervisors in 2011, both for six-year terms. Two Democrats and two Republicans are running unopposed for their parties' nominations on Tuesday and will square off in the General Election. They are Democrats Cory Smith, 118 Weeping Willow Lane, and Joseph C. Ehritz, 138 Thomas Jefferson Road, and Republicans John M. Strockoz, 107 Strockoz Lane, and Cole Peffer, 182 William Lane.East Penn voters will also elect someone to serve on the board of auditors for six years, although there are no candidates on either ticket for the position.Franklin TownshipOnly three names appear on the ballots in Franklin Township.Rod E. Green, 45 Knoll Drive, is running for the Republican nomination for a six-year term on the board of supervisors. He is unopposed and there is also no Democratic candidate.The township's voters are also scheduled to elect persons to serve four-year and six-year terms as auditors, and a six-year term as constable. For the six-year term as auditor, Republican Harold R. Boehringer Jr., 145 Tatra Drive, and Democrat Betty J. Wolfe, 297 Bass Pike, are unopposed on their respective tickets. They will square off in November.There are no candidates for either the four-year term as auditor or the constable's position.