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Carbon Co. Senior Games head into final day

AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS Ray Berger of the Palmerton team was awarded the fourth annual Philip Steigerwalt Memorial Walk plaque for his third place finish in the men's 60 to 64 division of the walk. The award began after Philip Steigerwalt, a senior games participant, collapsed and passed away on the field, following his third place finish in the walk in 2007. Steigerwalt was in the 60 to 64 division. Since then, the third place finisher in that division receives the honorary award in Steigerwalt's name.

With only one day left in the Carbon County Senior Games, the nine-time defending champions, the Lehighton seniors, continue to lead the pack with a score of 689.

The overall standings after 15 events are Lehighton in first; Jim Thorpe, second with a score of 409; Panther Valley, third with 168 points; Palmerton, fourth with 123; and Weatherly with 40 points.Tuesday's events included the Philip Steigerwalt Memorial Walk, softball throw, horseshoes and bocci.The individual results for the Philip Steigerwalt Memorial Walk are:• Men age 60 to 64: James Ketchledge of Lehighton, gold; Dennis Getz of Lehighton, silver; and Ray Berger of Palmerton, bronze.• Men age 65 to 69: Charles Parsons of Jim Thorpe, gold; John DeWald of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Merle Hunsicker of Lehighton, bronze.• Men age 70 to 74: Norman Sutters of Lehighton, gold; Robert Condly of Palmerton, silver; and Ron Bowman of Lehighton, bronze.• Men age 75 to 79: Mario Iezzoni of Panther Valley, gold; Ken Frymoyer of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Anthony Mazzocchi of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Men age 80 to 84: Jim Anewalt of Lehighton, gold; and Larry Close of Jim Thorpe, silver.• Men age 85 and older: Dan Petrecca of Jim Thorpe, gold; and Tom Wehr of Lehighton, silver.• Women age 60 to 64: Kathy Getz of Lehighton, gold; Sandra Fritz of Lehighton, silver; and Linda Daubenspeck of Lehighton, bronze.• Women age 65 to 69: Linda Bottcher of Lehighton, gold; Marge Antiga of Panther Valley, silver; and Maria Reczek of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Women age 70 to 74: Fran Haas of Lehighton, gold; Beverly Dolgopol of Lehighton, silver; and Marjorie Kunkle of Lehighton, bronze.• Women age 75 to 79: Annette Kirchdoerfer of Panther Valley, gold; Dorothy Contrady of Weatherly, silver; and Grace Wilson of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Women age 80 to 84: Marian Dickes of Jim Thorpe, gold; Mary Pituch of Panther Valley, silver; and Bessie Bauchspies of Lehighton, bronze.• Women age 85 and older: Beatrice Smith of Lehighton, gold.The individual results for the softball throw are:• Men age 60 to 64: James Ketchledge of Lehighton, gold; Dennis Getz of Lehighton, silver; and Ray Berger of Palmerton, bronze.• Men age 65 to 69: Rich Haberman of Lehighton, gold; Ron Fritz of Lehighton, silver; and Charles Parsons of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Men age 70 to 74: Norman Sutters of Lehighton, gold; Robert Condly of Palmerton, silver; and Herman Smale of Palmerton, bronze.• Men age 75 to 79: Joe Van Uiter of Jim Thorpe, gold; Arnold Rex of Lehighton, silver; and Henry Long of Lehighton, bronze.• Men age 80 to 84: Charlie Messina of Lehighton, gold; Milt Suchon of Palmerton, silver; and Richard Ockenhouse of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Men age 85 and older: Glenn Warner of Lehighton, gold; Charles Wilson of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Don Neifert of Panther Valley, bronze.• Women age 60 to 64: Sandra Fritz of Lehighton, gold; Carol O'Brien of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Linda Daubenspeck of Lehighton, bronze.• Women age 65 to 69: Linda Bottcher of Lehighton, gold; Dorothy Quigley of Panther Valley, silver; and Marge Antiga of Panther Valley, bronze.• Women age 70 to 74: Marie Haberman of Lehighton, gold; Maryann Thompson of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Barbara Mustacchio of Lehighton, bronze.• Women age 75 to 79: Dot Contrady of Weatherly, gold; Reiko Summers of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Wanda McNichol of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Women age 80 to 84: Leona Knotts of Jim Thorpe, gold; Millie Hoffman of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Mary Pituch of Panther Valley, bronze.• Women age 85 and older: Elaine Stockmal of Panther Valley, gold; Ann Daley of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Elizabeth Rokita of Jim Thorpe, bronze.The individual results for bocci are:• Men age 60 to 64: James Ketchledge of Lehighton, gold; Ray Berger of Palmerton, silver; and Dennis Getz of Lehighton, bronze.• Men age 65 to 69: Lee Getz of Lehighton, gold; Charles Parsons of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Rich Haberman of Lehighton, bronze.• Men age 70 to 74: James Kindrew of Palmerton, gold; John Power of Jim Thorpe, silver; and John DiJohn of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Men age 75 to 79: Lenny Bishop of Lehighton, gold; Willard Doll of Lehighton, silver; and Henry Long of Lehighton, bronze.• Men age 80 to 84: Mel Everett of Lehighton, gold; Larry Close of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Peter Daniels of Lehighton, bronze.• Men age 85 and older: Tom Wehr of Lehighton, gold; Don Neifert of Panther Valley, silver; and Dan Petrecca of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Women age 60 to 64: Kathy Getz of Lehighton, gold; Linda Swartz of Palmerton, silver; and Sharon DeWald of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Women age 65 to 69: Marge Antiga of Panther Valley, gold; Dorothy Quigley of Panther Valley, silver; and Eileen Bollinger of Palmerton, bronze.• Women age 70 to 74: Terri Darling of Jim Thorpe, gold; Maryann Thompson of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Beverly Dolgopol of Lehighton, bronze.• Women age 75 to 79: Grace Wilson of Jim Thorpe, gold; Annette Kirchdoerfer of Panther Valley, silver; and Marva Snyder of Lehighton, bronze.• Women age 80 to 84: Leona Knotts of Jim Thorpe, gold; Shirley Stein of Lehighton, silver; and Sue Dopira of Panther Valley, bronze.• Women age 85 and older: Ann Daley of Jim Thorpe, gold; Beatrice Smith of Lehighton, silver; and Elaine Stockmal of Panther Valley, bronze.The individual results for horseshoes are:• Men age 60 to 64: Dennis Getz of Lehighton, gold; James Ketchledge of Lehighton, silver; and Ray Berger of Palmerton, bronze.• Men age 65 to 69: Charles Parsons of Jim Thorpe, gold; Al Fanelli of Jim Thorpe, silver; and John DeWald of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Men age 70 to 74: Dave Woodman of Jim Thorpe, gold; John DiJohn of Jim Thorpe, silver; and James Kindrew of Palmerton, bronze.• Men age 75 to 79: Mario Iezzoni of Panther Valley, gold; Arnold Rex of Lehighton, silver; and Willard Doll of Lehighton, bronze.• Men age 80 to 84: Peter Daniels of Lehighton, gold; Angelo Cannarella of Palmerton, silver; and Charlie Messina of Lehighton, bronze.• Men age 85 and older: Charles Wilson of Jim Thorpe, gold; Glenn Warner of Lehighton, silver; and Tom Wehr of Lehighton, bronze.• Women age 60 to 64: Mary Lou Sherel of Jim Thorpe, gold; Linda Swartz of Palmerton, silver; and Linda Daubenspeck of Lehighton, bronze.• Women age 65 to 69: Dawn Sheckler of Jim Thorpe, gold; Connie DiJohn of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Nancy Bollinger of Palmerton, bronze.• Women age 70 to 74: Louise Bishop of Lehighton, gold; Shirley Snyder of Lehighton, silver; and Ann Didato of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Women age 75 to 79: Dorothy Contrady of Weatherly, gold; Marva Snyder of Lehighton, silver; and Reiko Summers of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Women age 80 to 84: Mary Pituch of Panther Valley, gold; Helen Neifert of Panther Valley, silver; and Joyce Shaika of Jim Thorpe, bronze.• Women age 85 and older: Beatrice Smith of Lehighton, gold; Ann Daley of Jim Thorpe, silver; and Elaine Stockmal of Panther Valley, bronze.