Published May 11. 2011 05:00PM
Norman Smith gets the credit for the bright, new look and screening at the East Penn Recreation Committee fields at the Ashfield Playgound.
His wife, Loretta, said he made the new enclosure and keeps the grass cut. Last year the pavilion was rented 21 times and with the number of rentals so far this year it looks like that record will be broken. A few years ago a kitchen was added.There is fishing in Lizard Creek and a small ball field normally used for T-Ball but this year it does not get regular use.The screening keeps the birds and bees out, said Loretta.Norman Smith said when people came to the park they were asked what they would like to see to improve the experience. Enclosing the pavilion was at the top of the list. Last fall he began the work and finished it this spring. A back was placed on the bleachers so people cannot fall off.Norman said he donated a push mower and a weed whacker that he bought at auctions.He proudly says he's been caring for the field for 20 years.
ELSA KERSCHNER/TIMES NEWS Randy Pfeiffer and Loretta Smith of the East Penn Recreation Committee are proud of the bright, new look of the pavilion at the Ashfield Playground. Loretta's husband, Norman, completed the work.