Published May 04. 2011 05:00PM
Schuylkill County Master Gardeners and forest specialists will be sponsoring a two part workshop on "The Woods in Your Backyard." Participants will learn to create and enhance the natural areas around their homes, including ways to enjoy recreational benefits, increase wildlufe activity, improve water quality, reduce energy costs and add beauty to their properties.
The two workshop series is designed, but not exclusive, for smaller landscapes. Owners of small landscapes can make a positive difference in the environment through implementation of land stewardship practices. The workshops will identify those stewardship practices and help participants plan effectively and successfully.The workshops will be held May 18 and June 22, from 7-9 p.m., at the Schuylkill County Extension Conference Room, Lower Level, 1202 Ag Center Drive in Pottsville.Deadline for registration will be May 13. Seating is limited. For more information, call (570) 622-4225.