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Youth fishing day recognizes children of military veterans

In recognition of local military veterans, Poho Poco Rod and Gun Club is hosting a "Youth Fishing" day on May 15 in the newly-dredged dam at the Phifer Ice Dam Park, Main Road, in Franklin Township.

The ponds are adjacent to the Franklin Township Little League fields.All children - ages 1 to 12 - who are children, grandchildren or great-grand children of military veterans in the lower Carbon County area are invited to fish during the event for free.Trout will be stocked at the park the day before the event. Fishing at the park will be closed to adult fishing after stocking and until 3 p.m. on May 15 when the event concludes.Any adults assisting children must possess a current Pennsylvania Fishing License.Larry Ahner, a club member, who is assisting with the organization of the event, stressed that this event is strictly a day of youth fishing and that no prizes are being awarded.The intent is to have youngsters who have military members in their families enjoy the day with club members."We want everyone to have a fun, relaxing day with us," said Ahner."We had a piece of property at one time and after selling it, the original funds were put into a savings account and we use the proceeds from the interest every year to pay to stock fish," said Ahner. "We have always paid for stocking several locations in the Poho Poco Creek and at the Phifer Ice Dam Park. This year we are doubling the number of fish stocked at the Phifer Ice Dam Park, plus we are adding several trophy-size trout to make the event exciting for the youngsters."Ahner stressed that no adults will be allowed to fish without a child until after 3 p.m. when the event is over. Any fish remaining will be available to Franklin Township residents after the event ends.Refreshments will be available.Youngsters should bring their own chairs, poles and bait.Members of the Poho Poco Rod and Gun Club will be on hand to assist youngsters who need a hand.