Northern Lehigh news
Benefit Festival
The Duane J. Lucien Scholarship Foundation will hold it's annual Benefit Festival Saturday, May 21 from noon to 8 p.m. at the covered bridge along the Slate Heritage Trail, just off 7th Street in Slatington.The fundraiser benefits the community by providing college scholarships to Northern Lehigh High School seniors.This year's benefit will feature a selection of entertainment that appeals to all ages. There will be music by Mike Peters, Good Friday, Tune in Tokyo, Dropping Trou, and Levee Drivers; juggling by Alex Kolwalcyx, a karate demonstration by Emerald Dragon, and more.For more information contact, visit the Duane J. Lucien Scholarship website at, or Facebook page at proceeds go to the Duane J. Lucien Scholarship Foundation.Sports Photo Scan-a-thonA Sports Photo Scan-a-thon will be held at the Slatington Library.Northern Lehigh Future Focus will be publishing a sports photo book later this year on Slatington/Northern Lehigh High School and select community sports teams from 1900 to the present.As part of that effort, Future Focus has teamed up with the Slatington Library to give residents who do not want to lend their photos out an opportunity to have them scanned onto a computer and returned immediately.Two scan-a-thon sessions have been scheduled. The first is on Saturday, May 21 from 9 a.m. to noon, and the second is on Monday May 23, from 4-7 p.m.The scanning is free, and Future Focus only asks that you bring along any information about the picture and provide any names you can of those appearing in the photos.High school and community sports pictures, team or individual from 1900 up through the present are being sought, along with community sports photos from years ago.Also of interest is any old ticket stubs, programs, and so forth, from high school athletic events.For more information, contact Marilyn at (610) 767-5817, or Robert at (610) 767-7626.