Published April 28. 2011 05:00PM
Class of 1943
The Tamaqua High School Class of 1943 is planning a 68-year anniversary reunion for this summer. The event will be held June 18 at the Owl Creek Reservoir and will include a picnic style luncheon.For more information, contact Harry Fetterman at (570) 668-3034.Pool passesApplications are now available for season passes to the H.D. Buehler Memorial (Bungalow) Pool. Opening day will be June 4, at 11:30 a.m. No season or daily passes will be available that day.Steeply discounted rates for Tamaqua Area School District residents are made available through the generosity of the John E. Morgan Foundation and rates remain the same as last summer.Applications are available at Tamaqua Borough Hall, 320 E. Broad St.; the Tamaqua office of the TIMES NEWS, 200 E. Broad St.; the Tamaqua Area Chamber of Commerce, 114 W. Broad St.; the Tamaqua Public Library on South railroad St.; Fegley's Mini Mart; and Our Family Mini Mart. Completed applications are to be taken to the borough hall. To ensure having your pass by opening day, have your application completed before April 29.Student recognitionThe Tamaqua Area Student Achievement Committee has finalized plans for the 53rd annual Tamaqua Student Achievement Dinner. The event will be held May 16 in the Tamaqua Area Elementary School.Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Arrangements will be made for those who wish to attend the awards ceremony only.Additional information will be available at a later date.Class of 1953The Tamaqua Class of 1953 will hold its annual picnic reunion on June 25 at Leiby's Grove in the Lewistown Valley.Everyone who was a member of the class is welcome to attend.Invitations have been mailed. Any class member who has not received an invitation, or who would like more information, may call (570) 668-1831 or 668-3109.