Bike ride to benefit Carbon County homeless families
Family Promise of Carbon County is sponsoring "Ride From the Heart" on Saturday, May 14. All proceeds from this motorcycle ride will benefithomeless families of Carbon County - through Family Promise.
Barry Shupp, a member of the Family Promise of Carbon County core group,declared, "Get YOURmotor running Saturday, May 14 so Family Promise can get THEIRmotor running!"Beginningpromptly at 11 a.m., the ridewill start at Blocker Enterprises - 770 State Road in Parryville - just off Route 248. From there, it will wind through Palmerton, Forest Inn, up Maury Road past Penn's Peak to Route 903, through Jim Thorpe, and finally end up at Lehighton Boys' and Girls' Band Hall - Sixth and Cypress Streets in Lehighton.The ridewillbeapproximately 29 miles long.Refreshments will be availableat the band hall. In addition,music will be provided by popular localband - Boomerang. This event will be held rain or shine.According to Nancy Koch, Family Promise of Carbon County treasurer, "You don't have to ride to come to the event. For those who won't be riding, just come to the band hall and have a good time."In addition to the motorcycle ride, there will be a raffle to win a 2011 Harley-Davidson 883 Hugger. The registration fee will cover both the ride and a raffle ticket. The winner of the raffle will beresponsible for taxes, title, and set-up of the bike. He or she may choose either the motorcycleor $5,000 cash.Family Promise of Carbon County isa 501-C-3 non-profit, non-denominational organization serving homeless families in the county. They utilize existing resources from local churches to form a network of at least 13 congregations who are willing and able to house homeless families in their buildings for seven consecutive nights, four times a year.It is one of over 152 such networks throughout the United States. Based on the support of volunteers and host congregations, Family Promise programs are funded by donations, grants, and fundraising opportunities - such as the bike ride and raffle.On average, there are 20 to 30 families in Carbon Countywho do not have permanent housing. The county currently has no homeless shelters and there is a long waiting list for subsidized housing. Family Promise of Carbon County helps to address this issue.For more information on Family Promise of Carbon County, visit or call Zion UCC Office at 610-377-1191.For additional information on the bike ride and raffle, call Zion UCC Office or Barry Shupp at 484-553-6264.