Can you ever remember Easter being observed this late in the spring (April 24)? At least the odds are slim that we'll have snow falling on the Easter bonnets this year.
After learning about the five-foot hole created in the fuselage of one of its planes, and cracks found in at least three others, I'm glad I'm not flying Southwest Airlines anytime soon.From the He Got What He Deserved department. You have to wonder what's going through the mind of the guy in New York who jumped in line in front of man who purchased the Quick Pick Lottery ticket that was worth $319 million. Had the line jumper waited his turn he would have been the recipient of the third largest lottery prize ever awarded. Instead, seven New York state workers will share the prize, each getting about $19 million after taxes and an early cash out. Serves the line jumper right. He doesn't get a dime.Air Your Opinion, even if it does continue on the air on Saturday mornings on Radio Station WLSH, will never be exactly the same without Mark Marek at the helm. After several decades in the radio business Mark is taking his talents on a new venture, away from radio. We wish him luck. He will be missed.I'm still waiting for my invitation to Prince William and Kate's wedding. It's only three weeks away.I'm not sure if he made the cut, or if he even qualfied for the tournament, but I'm rooting for Ryo Ishikawa to win the Masters and any other PGA tournament he enters this year.Ryo last week announced he was giving all of his tournament earnings this year to victims of the Japan earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster.The 19-year-old also is pledging money for every birdie he makes on the tour.Based on his performance last year, Ryo could end up donating $2 Million or more to the relief effort.Some nut-case preacher in Florida burned a copy of the Koran, even though he knew it might set off riots and killings in the Muslim world.It did.As a result, 12 people are dead and scores more injured because of rioting in Afghanistan.While we think the preacher was wrong in what he did, where's the indignation in the Muslim world when suicide bombers kill innocent women and children in the name of Allah? Burning a book is one thing. Killing innocent people is a whole other thing. Yet the Muslim world remains silent in the wake of such atrocities.Dennis Rodman was elected to the National Basketball Association Hall of Fame this week. I thought he'd make the "Weird" hall of fame long before the NBA hall. I was wrong.How long until the contaminated water being pumped into the Pacific Ocean from the tsumami-ravaged nuclear plants in Japan comes back to haunt us.I'm sure I read this somewhere. Prostitutes in Pittsburgh are now accepting gift cards instead of cash. Try explaining that on your monthly credit card report.Another bill has been presented in Harrisburg aimed at lowering the number of State House members from 203 to 153. Don't expect to see that happen in our lifetime.I won't lose any sleep over reports that Katie Couric is leaving CBS Evening News.Two out of three Americans admit they don't know the words to the Star Spangled Banner. And that includes Christina Aguilera, who flubbed the words prior to this year's Super Bowl.Think we're not a nation of fast food addicts? Consider this. On April 19, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., nationwide, McDonald's will attempt to hire 50,000 new employees to supplement the crew they already have. That equates into a lot of burgers being made.Having practically grown up on East High Street in Coaldale (that's where my grandparents lived), the last thing I exer expected there was a meth lab being run just a few doors away. I am old enough to remember, however, when there were five bar rooms in that one block area. Now there are none.It's the Yankees-Red Sox this weekend. Now the baseball season has officially started.As a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, I'm rooting hard for Hines Ward to win the Dancing With the Stars competition.