Published April 07. 2011 05:01PM
The Weatherly Area PTA is planning for its annual Wrecker Power Walk to be held Thursday, May 26.
The goal of the walk is to raise funds to sponsor assemblies, award programs, field trips as well as to purchase school supplies for students for the Weatherly Area School District's 2011 - 2012 school year.The PTA would like to offer incentives for the students to encourage them to seek pledges and participate in the Power Walk.Contributions will help the PTA to defray the costs associated with the walk.They are accepting monetary donations and marketing gifts in the form of gift certificates, gift cards, merchandise and refreshments that will be provided to the students on the day of the event. If your sponsorship is received by April 21, your business name will appear on the back of the T-shirts that will be sold and worn on the day of the walk.For more information or to donate contact Shay Wagner at (570) 233-2900 or Cheryl Hirko at (570) 579-8250.