Several thousand dollars raised at PV schools' Math-a-thons
The PVSD school board approved the following in personnel matters:
*Hiring-Crystal Reph as head custodian effective 3/28/11. Her 2010-2011 school year assignment is PVE; for 2010-2011 school year, Linda Chiesa, custodian at PVI, replacement position for Ernest Phillips; Deborah Wadiak, PVMS/District office, replacement position for George Kresge; David Biever for position of events manager for 2010-2011 school year, replacement position for Tim McCutchan.*Transfers-Nicole Layton, guidance counselor from PVMS to PVMS/Chestnuthill Elementary, effective 2/1/11; Cory McKeever, speech teacher from Polk/Chestnuthill Elem. to Polk Elem., effective 3/17/11; Marjorie Kleppinger, custodian from PVE to PVI, effective 3/24/11; Terry Knecht, custodian from PVI to PVE, effective 3/24/11; Michelle Marino, part-time paraprofessional associate from PVI to PVMS, effective 3/21/11*Substitutes-Brian Catalano, social studies; Doreen Arnold, elementary; Bethany Swink, elementary; Barbara Ejk, secretary; Sharon Graver, paraprofessional associate; Tammy Cannon, monitor, retroactive to 3/19/11; Trina Haney, cafeteria worker/monitor; Christine Zerilli, cafeteria worker.*Resignation-Tammy Cannon, PVHS monitor effective 3/18/11; Tim McCutchan from events manager position, effective 3/22/11.*Retirement-Theodore Reinmiller, computer technician, effective 5/16/11; Bryon Bonser, security officer, effective 3/18/11.*Professional and Support services-Ralph Weichard, volunteer Boy's Tennis coaching position; Sonya Porter, Polk Elem. parent volunteer.PVE news:*The second grade held a Math-A-Thon to benefit St. Jude Children's Hospital and raised over $3,800. The top collector was Noah Morrison from Mrs. Ware's class, with $410. Mrs. Ware's class was the top class, collecting $594.*Winners of PVE's Friendship Poetry Contest were- Joseph Kowalczyk, Mrs. Falcone-Smith's kindergarten class; Jenna Zerilli, Mrs. Snyder's first grade class; Alexander Baldwin, Mrs. Ware's second grade class; Olivia Getz, Mrs. Constable's third grade class; Olivia Dahl, Mrs. Decesare's fourth grade class. The winners had lunch with an administrator.Polk Elementary news:*Second grade students raised over $2,300 for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital during the Math-A-Thon*The PTO sponsored Family Bingo Night collected over 60 lbs. of nonperishable food items for the Supplemental Food Resource Center at Effort UMC.Chestnuthill Elementary news:*The second grade's Math-A-Thon raised $1,237.07 for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.Pleasant Valley High School news:*Candance Thomas, Michael Gasdik, Alexander Greenzweig, Noel Vasquez, Mason Silfee, Christian Quintero, John McConnell, Dillion Williams, Michael Verrico, Austin Altemose, Justin George, Brittany Kocher, Katie Green, Louis Krieger, Corey Donahue, Ashley Smith, Bartlomiej Kosciuczyk, Chase Schubert were named MCTI's Outstanding Students of the second quarter.*Duncan Rodriquez placed first at the Skills USA District Competition in Nursing Assisting and was elected at the state president of HOSA.*the PVHS concert band performed at a high level at the Carbon County Band Competition.*Heather Wojcik received Best of Show at the Pocono Art Council Juried High School Art Show, Kaitlin Brown, 2nd place in 2 D, Karlie Williams, 1st place in 3-D works, Jennifer Pagan, 2nd place and Skye Relosa, Photography award.*Sean Mullins and JD Patterson won first place in Anatomy and Physiology, JD Patterson and Jordan Sheagley first place in Write It/Do It, Shelby Johnson and Sean Mullins 2nd place in Chemistry lab, Sean Mullins and Jordan Sheagley third place in Disease Detectives, Shelby Johnson and J.D. Patterson third place in Microbe Mission and Shelby Johnson and Jordan Sheagley third place in Ecology at the Mountain Valley Science Olympiad.*17 new members were inducted to the National Art Honor Society 3/2/11.In business management the board approved:*a contract with Tremco, Weatherproofing Technologoies, Inc. of $148,201.24 for the purpose of restoration of the Chestnuthill Elementary roof. An additional charge of $8.13 per square foot will be charged for the remediation of any moisture issues detected by an infrared scan.*disposal of a Proform Gym Model #PF897030 at PVMS because it has been determined it is unrepairable and unsafe for any use.*permission granted to advertise for sealed bids for anthracite coal and musical instruments.