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Schuylkill Twp. acquires Taser, breath test kit

Schuylkill Township has acquired the use of a PBT (preliminary breath test) kit and a Taser.

Police Chief Jesse Zimmerman made the announcement at last night's township meeting. Zimmerman also presented an updated version of the police policy manual for the township and the supervisors voted to make the policy effective as of yesterday.Zimmerman reported that he responded to a total of 29 calls during the month of March, including parking tickets, traffice enforcement, theft, criminal mischief, and various other complaints.Supervisor Linda DeCindio said that pothole work in the township has started, however, the weather has not been cooperative so the work has been delayed. She also asked that residents who walk their dogs please cleanup after their dogs, especially in the area around the ball field, where there is a lot of foot traffic.Tom Slane, Sr. was reappointed as the emergency management supervisor for the township.Township secretary Mary Bubel advised that the current outstanding garbage fees due to the township has been reduced to $449. Bubel noted that the 2010 audit and financial report was filed on behalf of the township by auditor David Shelcusky.The supervisors approved a motion to reapply for DCED grant money. If they receive the grant, the money would be used to repair the Reevesdale holding tank, which is in poor condition.The supervisors appointed Central Tax as the LST tax collector for the township. Central Tax is the collector for the entire county, and Supervisor Christine Verdier noted that they are providing Schuylkill County with the lowest tax collection rate in the State.Code enforcement officer Daniel DeCindio provided his monthly report, which included four complaints.