Monument committee seeks public help with list of WW I veterans
The Jim Thorpe Lions Club and the World War I Monument Restoration Committee are in the process of refurbishing the World War I Monument located at Memorial Park in Jim Thorpe.
As just one part of the project, two bronze plaques will be cast bearing the names of close to 500 veterans of "the World War" and the Restoration Committee is appealing to the public to help insure the accuracy of the listings of names.They ask that any descendants, relatives, friends, or other interested parties please review this listing of veterans names and, if they believe they see any names that are in need of correction, deletion, or additions, that they please contact either Ron Sheehan at 570-325-4244 or Edith Lukasevich at 570-325-3426 with any such change, deletions, or insertions.The deadline to contact one of them with any necessary changes is two weeks from the date of this publication of the names, which will be April 15.It is extremely important to note that once the plaques with the veterans names on them are cast in bronze, they can no longer be changed or corrected.Memorial Park was dedicated on October 15, 1921 and the fountain, which was built of native stone, was unveiled with a bronze plaque on the side facing 10th Street.In addition to a World War I battlefield scene, the original bronze plaque also reads "in grateful memory of those from this community who so faithfully served in the World War".The restoration project received a $15,000 DCED (Department of Community and Economic Development) grant obtained through Keith McCall while still in office.The refurbishment of the monument includes, cleaning the original bronze plaque, repointing all of the masonry work on the monument, and removing the concrete fountain which is no longer functional.The two new bronze plaques will be 24" x 24" in size and they will have the names of all the known World War I veterans of both Mauch Chunk and East Mauch Chunk and the outlying township at that time.In addition to the new and restored bronze plaques, there will also be a 28" high bronze eagle placed on top of the monument.The stone restoration work on the monument and the bronze plaques will be done by Walters Monument Company of Summit Hill.There will also be landscaping done around the base of both the monument and the existing flagpole by Day's Landscaping and Storage Solutions of Jim Thorpe.The Jim Thorpe Lions Club and the World War I Monument Restoration Committee anticipate the dedication of the restored memorial will be during this year's 4th of July celebration at Memorial Park.The World War I Monument Restoration Committee members are : Chairperson Ron Sheehan; Chairperson Edith Lukasevich; Jolene Evans; Atty. Carole Walbert; Ben Walbert; Jim Pompa; Patty Herman; Frank Sebelin; and Justin Yaich.The ListList of World War I Veterans of both Mauch Chunk and East Mauch Chunk and the outlying Township :Albeck, George A.Allan, GeorgeAllen, Alexander P.Ammon, James J.Andrews, EdwardAndrews, Robert E.Andrews, MilesApp, R. RaymondArner, MahlonArnold, Lloyd E.Armstrong, J.Balliet, Albert L.Bamberger, Adam L.Bamberger, George H.Barber, Fannie S.Barber, Laird H., Jr.Barber, Mary F.Bartels, William H.Batdorf, George R.Bauman, Alfred C.Beckett, Edward C.Beckett, Thomas A.Beers, RichardBeers, William H.Beineman, George W.Beinman, Raymond J.Beinman, William C.Bell, William H.Bellhorn, William H.Bennice, LorettaBerrigan, Edward J.Berwick, Harvey F.Betchel, Aaron E.Betzler, ClaraBimler, Joseph F. Jr.Bing, Harry A.Bittner, Righard H.Bleckley, RoderickBliss, RoderickBley, HenryBlum, Charles M.Boner, William A.Booth, RichardBosha, Frank G.*Boyce, Joseph L.Boyle, Dennis J.Boyle, Frank L.Boyle, James E.Boyle, James J.Boyle, Patrick*Brander, Charles J.Breinig, Earl P.G.Brcnnan, George D.J.Bretz, HarryBretz, WilburBrady, Edward R.Brewster, Harry D.Brewster, IsaacBroadhead, GarretBromko, LouisBrumm, WardenBryson, JamesBryson, Raymond H.Bryson, Samuel R.Bucks, GeorgeBunting, Wade HeatonBurkhardt, Leonard M.Butler, AlexanderCadden, John R.Campbell, James T.Cannon, Anthony C.Cannon, James B.Carey, Charles H.Carey, Morris W.Casciola, EarnestCassidy, FrankChadwick, CecilChapman, Isaac A.Chappell, Frank H.Chappell, RaymondChappell, William F.Conroy, MichaelCornwell, John G.Cortright, Edgar M.Costenbader, ClintonCrowley, Edward J.Crowley, Francis J.Culkin, WilliamCulp, Rev. Raymond B.Curran, Joseph T.Day, Ralph M.Davis, WilliamDecker, Edward A.Dever, WalterDick, Frank J.Dick, George W.Dieckman, Edwin C.Dieckman, John H.Diehl, FrankDiehl, Ralph W.*Dolon, Charles J.Dolon, WilliamDonahue, William C.Dotter, JamesDoughterty, James J.Dougherty, Robert J.Duffy, Morris W.Duffy, Leon J.Duffy, LeRoyDugan, Edward L.Dunbar, LouisDwyer, NealEcker, Howard Y.Eckroade, Benjamin G.Eckstein, William J.Edwards, JoshuaEichhorn, Frank J.Eichler, George A.Engleman, CarlEngleman, Joseph A.Engler, Frank X. Jr.Esrang, JohnEvans, Ralph P.Evans, Stewart K.*Exner, Walter J.Fagely, Milton D.Fagnoni, MichaelFay, William J.Fegley, AmosFegley, Victor E.Feller, Albert F.Fernekees, AlbertFeuerstein, Fred C.Foster, Charles E.Foster, Edward K.Fox, MichaelFranks, CharlesFriel, John F.Freiss, EdmundFuhrman, John F.Gable, Henry E.Gaddis, Thomas F.Gallagher, JamesGallagher, JosephGallagher, WilliamGarman, George E.Garrah, Joseph A.Gaumer, Robert A.Gaydos, JosephGehres, Admiral DeweyGerber, George J.Gerber, Maurice J.Getz, ClintonGetz, JamesGetz, PaulGillespie, DanielGillespie, John V.Gillespie, MichaelGilliner, C.Golby, George J.Gover, Roy H.Graul, R.Green, HerbertGreen, JamesGriffith, EdwardGross, Herman C.Haggerty, RaymondHaggerty, VincentHahn, Charles L. S.Harlan, CharlesHarlan, EzekielHarlan, LeonardHarlan, Randolph B.Hatrick, CharlesHatrick, William J.Hawkins, William C.Hay, ArlingtonHeffler, HenryHelferty, JosephHelman, John R.Henning, JamesHenning, JosephHenritzy, Robert E.Hearty, EdwardHearty, Phillip M.Herman, John M.Herman, Joseph A.Herman, PeterHildebrand, AlfonsoHildebrand, Frank X.Hildebrand, Harry A.Hill, John A.Hine, John W.Hines, James V.Hontz, Elmer L.Hontz, MauriceHontz, Roy W.Horlacher, RaymondHorn, JacobHorne, Douglas B.Horne, James P.Horne, Lawrence B.Houser, John W.Huber, William J.Huber, Vincent L.Hulsizer, Morris B.Houseman, MosesHussar, FredHutchinson, GeorgeItter, CharlesJames, GeorgeJerko, MichaelJohnson, MichaelJohnson, John S.Jurick, Stephen J.Kannapel, Edward P.Kannapel, George C.Kanouse, AllenKauffman, John A.Knouse, LeonardKasten, Paul E.Kattner, JosephKeck, John JonasKeenly, J. MarcusKennedy, JosephKerr, William H.Kirby, RussellKist, WilliamKlein, John J.Klotz, Harvey J.Klotz, RussellKnappenberger, George A.Knauss, Matthew J.Kodie, John EmeryKoons, ChesterKoons, Herbert K.Krebs, Frank J.Kronick, CharlesKuebler, RichardKuebner, JohnKuhla, JosephKuhla, JohnKuhn, Edwin H.Kuntz, EdgarKuntz, Fred P.Kuntz, WilliamKusel, Harry C.Kutler, Reuben A.Ladish, EdwardLadish, Joseph F.Lauer, Robert J.Law, Harry W.Leinthall, Alfred H.Leland, RalphLennon, Donald L.Lennon, Ralph L.*Leonardis, ThomasLeopold, William C.Lesisko, Frank L.Lovan, Jacob G.Lines, Charles S.Long, ClarenceLoose, Alan S.Lucas, JohnLynn, Thomas G.Madara, Joseph F.Martin, George A.Martz, Martin D.Maurer, BenjaminMayer, Herman W.Mayer, Louis A.*McAndrews, ThomasMcCabe, Paul B.McClafferty, Hugh P.McClafferty, JohnMcClafferty, Joseph A.McCullion, NealMcDonought, William J.McFadden, John J.McFadden, Vincent D.McGready, JosephMcGee, John F.McGinley, Daniel A.McGinley, EugeneMcGinley, James A.McGinley, John J.H.McGinley, John R.McGinn, James B.McGuire, JamesMcGuire, JohnMcKeever, JohnMcLain, Frank M.McMichael, John E.McNulty, John P.McTaque, William E.Medlar, Charles E.Meixell, Howard E.Messenger, JosephMichel, Elmer E.Mickels, FrankMilan, John A.Milford, Richard C.Milford, Richard Jr.Miller, August J.Miller, EdwardMiller, Edward C.Miller, Edward J.Miller, GeorgeMiller, Henry A.Miller, RobertMinich, Warren L.Minnich, Thomas F.Mitchell, EdwardMittman, Thomas O.Mooney, Edward J.Moore, ThomasMorrison, WilliamMoser, Eugene J.Murphy, John E.*Muschlitz, Burton K.Newhart, William J.Newton, Leon C.Nothstein, Wilbur E.O'Donnell, Cornelius L.O'Donnell, FrancisO'Donnell, Hugh A.O'Donnell, JamesO'Donnell, John A.O'Donnell, Joseph F.Otfinowski, Ignatius T.Otto, Charles B.Otto, Henry A.Owens, Francis LeeParry, EdmundParry, Robert E.Pastor, Michael A.Payne, WilliamPearsall, Jr., David J.Pearsall, Sr., David J.Perry, William H.Person, Wilbur W.Peters, Raymond R.pondish, Michael J.Porter, Nan E.Pry, Harry J.Rabe, George W.Rauch, Benjamin F.Rauch, Charles F.Reabold, GeorgeReabold, JacobRedline, GordonRedline, RaymondRehrig, Harry E.Rehrig, Harvey W.Reily, DavidRemewater,Remmell, Lester L.Reuhmling, WilliamReusch, RudolphReusch, WilliamRing, Emmett JosephRinkenbach, StanleyRipkey, WilliamRockmaker, J.Rontz, Carl J.Roos, harryRoos, HugoRoos, JohnRoos, Michael E.Ross, Jr., Ira G.Ross, Jerry K.Roth, Raymond G.Rothermel, Clifford*Rothermel, Clyde W.Rothermund, Theodore K.Ruff, John*Ryan, Harry L.Sack, MichaelSaile, Anthony F.Sandherr, Christian C.Sandherr, Edward G.Saxton, WarrenSchacfer, Bernard E.Schatz, GeorgeSchaub, George C.Schaub, Robert F.Schrumpf, HermanSchulenberg, Daniel S.Schulenberg, Fred S.Schwartz, Alphonsus J.Schawrtz, George A.Searfoss, Daniel R.Searfoss, Francis O.Sevison, CarlShafer, George W.Shanton, HarryShanron, James H.Shea, Francis A.Sheridan, WilliamSherry, Harold E.Sherry, William T.Shock, Roger W.Shovelin, MatthewShuck, George D.Shupp, James M.Sibbach, Albert E.Simmons, James C.Smith, Charles E.Smith, Michael E.Smith, MiltonSmith, Valentine R.Snyder, Wayne L.Solomon, harry L.Solomon, Winfield R.Soltis, JohnSoltis, JosephSorber, Warren L.Sorrento, JosephStahl, Fred D.Stark, Louis J.Starner, LeonStemler, Harold Q.Swank, Harold V.Swank, Roy T.Swank, Thomas L.Swartz, Harry H.Swartz, Ralph O.Thephilus, Andrew J.Tobin, Matthew L.Trice, Alvin W.Trout, Charles L.Trout, Irvin D.Turnbach, John A.Van Horn, AustinVolmer, HenryWagner, Edward M.Walck, RalphWalker, WalterWalker, William A.Walper, Robert L.Warnke, CharlesWarnke, Russell C.Warnke, TheodoreWarnke, William G.Warner, JacobWasom, Fred J.Weaver, Arthur C.Webb, NormanWerline, Earl W.Werline, William W.West, William W.Weyhenmeyer, W.R.Whitehead, GeorgeWhitehead, James A.Wildoner, Howard ScottWildoner, WilliamWilke, HarryWilliams, EdwardWilliams, RobertWilliams, William C.Williams, Robert*Wimmer, Michael AWisegraver, George W.Yeagle, Edward L.York, Frank X.Youch, ChristianYungblute, HarryYurick, Stephen J.Zander, FerdinandZander, RobertZuber, Walter F.*Died in Service