Published March 24. 2011 05:00PM
Volunteers are being sought to become members of a proposed Marcellus Shale Task Force the Schuylkill County commissioners are planning to form.
Commissioner Frank Staudenmeier asked business people, educators, trades people or any one concerned about the future of the county, to send in their name to become a member of the task force.The duties of the task force will be to form guidelines in case in the near future an exploration will reveal that pockets of gas exist and can be extricated for commercial use.Staudenmeier said the task force will act to develop regulations to preserve the quality of livelihood in the county while also obtaining the product. He said the two main complaints of drilling in other parts of the state are polluting water supplies and damaging roads by large trucks.People interested in serving on the task force can call (570) 628-1200 or mail their desire to serve to the Schuylkill County Commissioners' Office, 401 N. Second St., Pottsville, Pa., 17901 and add the note, "Attention: Tish."