Nesquehoning joins others in declaring MEM in default
Municipal Energy Managers has fallen behind on their promises to yet another borough - Nesquehoning. At the recent council meeting, Nesquehoning decided to have the company declared in default.
The borough received a "generic" letter according to councilwoman Mary Fox. It was directly addressed to Nesquehoning and seemed to have the same body that went out to the other surrounding municipalities.According to Nesquehoning officials, the company promised boroughs that they would come through for them for their electricity and so far has not done too much in that direction. Attorney Robert Yurchak, solicitor, said that there are many other towns affected by the same problem.Councilman Frank DiMiceli was absent from the meeting. Louis Paul, Borough Superintendent, gave his report and plans for the Spring Summer Maintenance Schedule has begun. Part of the plan are the repairs at the borough parks with the addition of more park benches and repairing equipment. He told council whatever they could give him monetarily, he would work with. Any organization which would like to contribute toward a piece of play equipment for one of the parks can contact Paul.He plans to clean the garbage truck every Thursday and all the other borough trucks every Friday. He discussed black topping and base repairs on Sixth and Seventh Streets and Laurel Street. Street sweeping will begin as soon as the weather improves and will begin at Hauto Estates.The Water Connections Ordiance was adopted according to Solicitor Yurchak.There were numerous requests from the police department to attend training sessions. Approval was given to attend a three day training at KME and up to three officers will be allowed to attend. Chief Smith and Officer O'Brien got approval to attend a seminar on April 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.The Terroristic Attack Training at LCCC was put on hold. And Chief Smith will attend the Friends of Education Ceremony with another officer covering for him in the borough.There will be a Crime Watch meeting on May 3 at 7 p.m. in the borough hall.Gabriel Szozda has applied for part time police work. He works in other boroughs as a police officer but must go through various tests to be hired in Nesquehoning.Council will wait until May to give a donation to the Dimmick Library after tax money comes in.There was discussion on replacing the Sewer Operator II, Mark Dementi, who has resigned.Under Sanitation, Richard Galgoci was hired by the borough's Sanitation Department as a part time worker. Leonard Michlovsky was also hired as a part time sanitation picker.Councilman Michael Sniscak said that it would be cheaper for the garbage truck to dump in Tamaqua rather than Heggins. Mark Stromelo, council president, said that's not true. Council told Sniscak to get written figures to present before council at the next meeting. Richard Zabroski, councilman said, "Let's look at it and get figures in writing."The borough agreed to chip in with the county and school to get an appraisal on Maple Shade Meadows Assisted Living Center in the borough which is disputing its appraisal fee.