Gas, oil operation regulations established
Kidder Township Supervisors adopted an Ordinance regulating the Gas and Oil operations in the Township on Thursday night at the regular meeting.
According to adopted Ordinance 148, it says, The Board of Supervisors of "The Township of Kidder believe it is in the best interest of the Township of Kidder to promote oil and gas regulation, development and production in the Township by establishing specific standards…"The ordinance defines terminology in the gas and oil industry, words which are becoming more familiar as gas and oil exploration becomes paramount.The ordinance describes pre drilling requirements, noise limits, surveys of all chemicals, timetables and permits, a command line of officials designating duties including providing Kidder Fire Department with all chemical and waste products, responsibilities and contact information.In addition, the ordinance requires a Well Compliant Resolution Program requiring any industry operator doing business in the township to set up a procedure to address "domestic water" complaints. The Township requires that an Operator maintain a $5,000.00 balance the township may use towards administrative inspection and engineering costs associated with inspections and compliance with this ordinance.While Ordinance 148 is exclusive to Operating Gas and Oil Development in the Township, Ordinance 147 compliments this ordinance for establishing Specific Standards For Oil and Gas Development Facilities. Ordinance 147 deals primarily with amending Chapter 180 in the Township Zoning. It is specific to land use and facility management. A public hearing on Ordinance 147 will be scheduled at a later time, according to Chairman Larry Polansky.Two ordinances addressing alternative and Wind Energy in The Township were addressed at a public session before the 7pm regular meeting. Supervisors voted at the regular meeting to advertise Ordinance 151 Amending Chapter 153 Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) Ordinance 151 Establishes Specific Standards for the Land Development Operation and Decommissioning of Wind Energy Facilities.Ordinance 149 Amends a previous Zoning Code 180 and Establishes Specific Standards for FACILITIES dealing with Wind Energy and Alternative and Emerging Energy Facilities.All ordinances were worked and reworked at the Kidder Township Planning Commision, contributions by all officials were significant.Both Ordinances received approval from the Carbon County Planning Commission, Zoning, Supervisors and Solicitor Dan Miscavige.In other business, Supervisor John Finnerty reported that Dimmick Library in Jim Thorpe is requesting donations at this time due to severe budget cuts. He encouraged members to remember if past donations were made because Kidder Township residents rely on both Dimmick and White Haven Libraries as a valuable resource.Chairman Polansky said they'd like someone to take over the Wastewater Treatment Plant who wants it. The Company who is doing it now, Aqua, can have it. They may even get it, he said. But bid specifications for the sale must still go out, so Supervisors agreed to advertise bid specifications for the sale of the wastewater plant. Aqua has been doing it for three years.A Resolution passed to use the dot-grants on-line reporting system to file annual Liquid Fuels Forms with the Pa. Department of Transportation.An Environmental Advisory Council Meeting Reported a symposium about Trails and Land Development is scheduled May 19-21st 2011, with more information available at conserve land.orgIn other business, it was reported that Dimmick Library in Jim Thorpe is requesting donations at this time due to severe budget cuts. It was encouraged for members to remember if past donations were made because Kidder Township residents rely on both Dimmick and White Haven Libraries as a valuable resource.The Wastewater Treatment Facility is for Sale. Chairman Larry Polansky said they'd like someone to take over the Wastewater Treatment Plant who wants it. The Company who is doing it now, Aqua, can have it. They may even get it, he said. But bid specifications for the sale must still go out, so Supervisors agreed to advertise bid specifications for the sale of the wastewater plant. Aqua has been doing it for 3 years.A Resolution passed to use the dot-grants on-line reporting system to file annual Liquid Fuels Forms with the Pa. Department of Transportation.Chairman Polansky skipped over the 11 reports on the agenda and stated that those reports were on file. The following reports were received on file with some not filed.An Environmental Advisory Council Meeting Reported a symposium about Trails and Land Development is scheduled May 19-21st 2011, with more information available at conserve land.orgThe Sewage Activity in the Township submitted by the Sewage Enforcement Officer, William Brior, broke down wells and sewage year to date starting with one sewage malfunction, 5 new sewage permits issued, 6 sewage evaluations, 1 sewage permit transfer, and 4 new well permits issued also 2 new permit applications received.Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company submitted that there were 43 calls for January and February 2011.Lake Harmony Rescue Squad Ambulance Corp submitted a monthly operations report for February 2011 with the following;In February, the Squad reported a total of 527.5 gallons of gas used in three emergency vehicles, there were 113 calls in February, the same as 2010. Call total is 240 Lake Harmony/Kidder, 109 callsPenn Forest 4 CallsKidder Township Police Department submitted a report to Supervisors stating that there were 181 calls received and handled through the department from 2/1/11 to 2/28/11Kidder Township Zoning Permits issued in March as submitted were 12 permits and 6 inspections.Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Company reported 16 incidents, Fire and EMS Combined from 2/1/11 to 2/26/11.Supervisor Mary Farnschlader was absent.