Published March 14. 2011 05:00PM
An American Cancer Society Pre-Event Party and Power of Purple event was held recently at the Hometown Fire Company to promote upcoming fundraising efforts of local Relay For Life teams of Tamaqua and surrounding communities as well as recognize the Power of Purple. Some events include March 21st Lehighton Pizza Hut fundraiser, March 26 Vendor and food sale at the Tamaqua St John's Lutheran Church from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and April 3rd relay breakfast at the Masonic Lodge Temple in Hometown from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information about these and many other non-listed events or the Relay For Life, contact Judy Hoppes at (570) 386-8422. Pictured in front, left to right, are Caylan Chanwik, ACS Income Development Representative; Linda Heigele, Entertainment Chair; Linda Whetstone, Publicity Chair; Cathy Johnston, Survivor. Pictured in back row from left are Diane O'Donnell, Event Co-Chair; Tyler Resch, Activities Chair; Marsha Resch, Event Chair; Ginny Tatusko, Luminaries Chair; Roseann Wasser, Registration Chair.