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Jim Thorpe Legionnaire honored

Francis C. O'Donnell of American Legion Post 304 in Jim Thorpe was honored by the American Legion Department of Pennsylvania for his "participation and service in the American Legion High School Oratorical Contest in the state of Pennsylvania for over 10 years".

A "Certificate of Participation" was awarded to him in "appreciation of, and recognition for, active participation in the formation, planning, and overall success of the American Legion High School Oratorical Contest".O'Donnell also received a "Citation for Meritorious Service" in "recognition thereof by the Department Oratorical Committee, Department of Pennsylvania".After these presentations were made by Harry J. Wynn III Vice Chairman Eastern Sectional Oratorical, he also presented O'Donnell with a "Certificate of Appreciation" in "recognition and sincere appreciation of outstanding service and assistance which contributed to the advancement of the American Legion programs and activities dedicated to God and Country".O'Donnell is the Coordinator of Inter-Districts 13 & 14 of the American Legion Pennsylvania Eastern Sectional Oratorical Contest.All three certificates were signed by American Legion Department of Pennsylvania Adjutant Kit Watson and Commander Pete Wasco.

VICTOR IZZO/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Harry J. Wynn III, left, Vice Chairman Eastern Sectional Oratorical, presents Francis C. O'Donnell of American Legion Post 304 in Jim Thorpe with certificates from the American Legion Department of Pennsylvania for over 10 years of participation the American Legion High School Oratorical Contest.