Published March 04. 2011 05:01PM
The Bee Man, Clifford Wright-Sunflower, talks to students at Panther Valley Elementary School about honeybees. His program is entitled "Dancin' with the Honeybees". The two day program was held at PVES and gave the students a good look at honeybees. He used storytelling, poetry, prose, puppetry, music, and dance for the show. The follow-up program called "Bee Touch Me Museum" reinforces the science concepts and everyone makes a beeswax candle to take home. PVES teacher, Ceil Enama, helps fourth grader Emily Devonshire try on a bee keepers hat during the assembly. The Bee program was paid for by the PTO. Sunflower, who is a master beekeeper, environmental educator, storyteller and performer, brings the scientific magic of the honey bee hive to life. Each student got to taste the various honeys.