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East Penn planning commission recommends approval of ARROC plan with conditions

Engineer Bruce Steigerwalt was recognized during the East Penn Planning Commission meeting. It is National Engineer's Week.

Advanced Racing Operations Consultant Corp. Engineer Mike Brinkash discussed the township engineer's comments and those of the Carbon County Planning Commission with Steigerwalt. Other commission members asked for clarification if they were not sure what was being discussed.The plan was not an accurate depiction of the deed descriptions, said Steigerwalt. Brinkash said numbers were rounded off, but they are supposed to written out in full.Planner Deanna Cunfer said people may look at the plan down the road and question which is correct.What was presented is a deed plot, not a survey, said Steigerwalt.Changes in zoning within 1,000 feet have to be listed. Roads mostly set off the rural residential district in the plan with rural zones across the roads.Border markings - concrete monuments - should be seen from one to the next. Steigerwalt questioned whether they could be.Brinkash's engineer's certification was questioned as in January. A previous engineer began the work but Brinkash saidnow that he is comfortable taking responsibility for that work.There is a difference of eight acres between what is on the plan and what Cunfer got by adding up the sections.Waivers were approved for no rec fees because there are no dwelling lots and boundary lines are to be labeled according to deed descriptions. The planners approved both.Cunfer asked if there were any major issues that cannot be covered by conditional approval. Steigerwalt said they are all drafting and monument issues.Conditions are: the plan needs deed descriptions, adjacent zoning boundaries must located on the map, the front yard setback has to be corrected, the lots must be numbered before the plan can be recorded, a concrete monument on the west property line has to be reset. The Franz subdivision has to be identified, and the acreage has to be corrected.It was recommended that the supervisors approve it taking into account the recommended conditions.AROCC attorney Gretchen Stearns said they wanted to bring the land development plan to the supervisors, but Steigerwalt said the multiple copies of the plan should not be completed until supervisors see the waivers because the date of their approval has to be on the plan. Two copies should be sufficient at this time.Duane Schleicher said his plan for 247 Berger Creek Road and West Lizard Creek requires too many corrections according to the county planning commission and Steigerwalt. Schleicher asked that the plan be tabled so he can meet the comments.The Central Carbon Regional Comprehensive Plan committee said the township's land use map has many mistakes. It was based on tax assessments. The commission went over the map property by property and checking accuracy. Planning secretary Cunfer made notes of those that need correction.