Redesigned extended learning program paying huge dividends
A redesigned program in the Palmerton Area School District continues to pay huge dividends for elementary level students.
Pam Storm, a school counselor at S.S. Palmer Elementary/Parkside Education Center, explained the merits of the Extended Learning program to the school board on Tuesday.Storm, who was accompanied by several students currently enrolled in the program, told the board the revamped program has been a true success."I'm proud to say the program is serving 110 students in grades 1-6 at the Parkside and S.S. Palmer buildings," Storm said. "I've been really impressed with how many kids are taking advantage of this."Storm said first and second graders come once a week for about an hour, at which time they review and refresh their basic reading and math skills.Third through sixth graders can choose to do reading or math or both to reinforce their skills, she said. Storm also noted a study skills program has been added for third to sixth graders as well.The three students who joined Storm for the presentation spoke of how the program has helped them.Fifth grade student Rebecca Gottfried said her grades have improved."It's helped me so much," Rebecca said. "This year was the very first year I got honor roll."First grade pupil Caryn Gottfried, Rebecca's sister, said she has improved at reading."I am getting better at reading," Karen said.Fourth grade student Reshan Selvavelautham said he learned about
T.R.A.C.K., which stands for think, record, act, and check."I have amazing teachers who help with my homework every day," Reshan said. "I made a Gecko; his name is Nick."Under her report, Superintendent Carol Boyce lauded several high school students for their accolades.Boyce announced senior Blake Campbell received an honorable mention at the state level for the DAR Good Citizen Award contest.Also, Boyce said Carbon Career & Technical Institute student Jalissa Kuehner recently took first place in the customer service program in SkillsUSA regional competition. Kuehner will move on to compete at the state competition in Hershey this April.In other business, the board:- Approved the award of the bid for the S.S. Palmer Elementary air dryer replacement project to NRG Energy, for the lump sum base bid of $8,379. Payment shall be made from the 2010A bond fund.- Authorized the advertising of bids for the Towamensing Elementary deck and rail replacement, high school warehouse roof replacement, and high school Chemistry lab ventilation projects.- Approved the PDE-3074 (a) nonreimbursable work subject to advertising and bidding requirements for the Towamensing Elementary deck and rail replacement, high school warehouse roof replacement, and high school Chemistry lab ventilation projects.- Approved the JBM Mechanical Resolution.- Approved the salary adjustments for Jodi Kocher for horizontal movement on the respective salary levels per the teachers' negotiated contract, effective the second semester of the 2010-11 school year, from MS to MS+15.- Approved Hunyang Cerbone and Kimberly Stefanoni as instructional assistant substitutes at a rate of $7.25 an hour, effective Feb. 16, 2011.- Approved Stefanoni as substitute secretary at the rate of $8.45 an hour, effective Feb. 16, 2011.- Approved the new curriculum for German Grade 8, German I, German II, German III, German IV, Spanish Grade 8, Spanish I, and Spanish II.- Approved the request of the National Junior Honor Society for a one day field trip to the National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD, with Mr. Brad Landis and Mr. Chris Kery on May 18, 2011, expenses paid for by the students with an approximate cost to the district of $200 for two substitutes.- Approved the participation in the Keystone Purchasing Network for the bidding and purchase of #2 fuel oil for the 2011-12 school year.- Accepted the parent's donations to purchase books for the Parkside Education Center's library in memory of Mrs. Susan Pielmeier's father, Peter Turko.- Accepted the anonymous gift of an Allen, Carousel model organ to the school district to be placed at S.S. Palmer Elementary School.- Approved disability leave in conjunction with family medical leave beginning Jan. 10, 2011, for employee #6581. The return to work date is to be determined.- Appointed Berkheimer Associates, Bangor, as the delinquent tax collector of the 2010-11 per capita taxes, effective Jan. 1, 2011. There is no fee assessed to the district for the service, as the fees are assessed to the taxpayer.- Approved to exonerate tax collectors Maria Smith, Bowmanstown Borough, $1,720; Connie Brown, Lower Towamensing Township, $4,600; Diane Andreas, Palmerton Borough, $8,020; and Mary Beers, Towamensing Township, $5,330, from the collection of the 2010-11 delinquent taxes, effective Jan. 1, 2011.