Bike Night
Bike Night in Lehighton has been brought to a screeching stop.
Lehighton Borough Council was informed last night by the coordinators that they are stepping down and nobody has been found to take it over.Bike Night has been held the second Saturday in August for the past 12 years in Lehighton and has raised well in excess of $100,000 during its duration.It has attracted thousands of motorcycles most years, and was always recognized by local law enforcement and borough officials as being orderly and without serious problems.The announcement for the end of the event occurred after Louise Stofik, co-coordinator, presented checks to Lehighton Borough, Lehighton Fire Department, and the Lehighton Police Department, which were the annual beneficiaries of the event. Stofik was the coordinator with her husband, "Bud."She said the 2010 Bike Night netted a profit of $9,125.44. She presented $1,000 to borough council President Grant Hunsicker, $4,062,72 to police department Sergeant Joseph Lawrence, and $4,062.72 to Fire Chief John Kuller.She said there is also an outstanding balance in the Bike Night's account from funds the police department were given but didn't use in 2008 and 2009.Attending the meeting with Louise were LeeAnn Muffley, wife of treasurer Jason Muffley, and member Albert Balliet Jr.Stofik told the council she is stepping down as coordinator because "my priorities in life have changed.""My family life has taken over for me," she said.In August 2006, right after Bike Night, a car traveling the wrong way on Route 209 in Franklin Township struck Stofik's motorcycle at a stop sign.The accident shattered his pelvis, broke some bones, and left him in a coma for three weeks.A year later, Bud Stofik had not only rejoined his wife at their business, a Lehighton motorcycle repair shop called The Bike Shop, but continued to be the co-coordinator with her for Bike Night.Louise told the borough council that another coordinator, Gino Giunta, also had to step down because of other commitments.She said she is hoping another agency can take it over and suggested that the Lehighton Downtown Improvement Organization consider running it.Dale Trauptman, a member of the council and who has been active in the downtown organization, said he will bring up the matter at the group's meeting this week.Louise said if an organization does decide to take over the event, she will provide the names and address of the vendors that have participated in past bike nights.The council agreed to write a letter to the Bike Night Committee thanking them for their contributions to the borough.