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Tamaqua news

Board of Health

The January meeting of the Tamaqua Board of Health was held at the municipal building with James Gormley, Earl Boettger, Shirley Becker, Health Officer Judith Hadesty R.N. and Health Enforcement Officer James Barron in attendance.Barron provided his end-of-year report, noting he made 41 general and 48 spot check inspections during 2010. He dealt with a total of 77 complaints, including: 46 rubbish/garbage; 14 possible infestations; 5 no heat calls; 2 dog dirt complaints; 1 complaint of a strong odor; 1 complaint concerning an eating establishment; 1 complaint of no hot water; 2 broken sewer lines; and 5 for unfit for human occupancy.In December, Barron received and adjusted six complaints. There were no cases of reportable diseases for the month.The board also re-organized, retaining the current slate of officers for 2011. Those officers are: Randolph Gormley, president; James Gormley, vice-president; Shirley Becker, secretary. The board will meet the first Tuesday of each month, at 11:30 a.m., in the Tamaqua Municipal Building.Senior newsThe Tamaqua Senior Citizens group meets every Thursday, at 1 p.m., at the Tamaqua Community Center, located to the rear of Boyer's Food Mart.Last week's meeting was attended by 55 members. President Jean Machamer conducted the business session. Eleanor Roberts offered the invocation, entitled "Tomorrow."A moment of silence was observed in memory of Doris Houm. Reports were offered by Vice President Doris Roberts and secretary Joan Anne Garber.A presentation on pre-arranged funerals was provided by Sank Griffiths. A question and answer period followed the presentation.Anyone 55 or older is welcome to join. The meeting room is handicap accessible.YMCA hockeyThe YMCA is seeking volunteer coaches for its youth hockey program. Interested individuals may e-mail nzigmant@alum.lhup.edu.Registrations are now being accepted from youth wishing to participate.For more information, visit the YMCA in the former Jamesway Shopping Center, or e-mail nzigmant@ymca-berkscounty.org.SWNC to meetThe South Ward Neighborhood Committee will meet Thursday, at 7 p.m., at the Lehigh Carbon Community College Morgan Center. Anyone interested in improving the South Ward is welcome to attend.TOPSThe local chapter of Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) meets Wednesdays in the education room at St. Luke's Miners Memorial Hospital, Coaldale. Weigh-ins begin at 5:45 p.m., followed by a short business session and a program.TOPS is a weight loss support group for men and women of all ages. Members learn sensible nutrition, portion control and lifestyle changes that promote lifelong health. Visitors are welcome to attend their first meeting without obligation, free of charge.St. Jerome'sThe St. Vincent DePaul Society of St. Jerome's Catholic Church will meet this Thursday, at 7 p.m., in the alumni room.A First Penance Prayer Service will be held Jan. 19, at 6 p.m., in the church. Members of the First Eucharist Class and their parents are to report no later than 5:45 p.m.A retreat for Confirmation candidates will be held Feb. 5, from 9 a.m. to noon, at Marian Catholic High School in Hometown. Signed permission slips must be returned by Jan. 30. Chaperones are needed. Anyone willing to volunteer may call Mrs. Habel at (570) 668-4416.The Office of Adult Formation is offering a presentation on "Marital Bliss or Marital Misery" on Jan. 23, from 9-10 a.m., in the alumni room. A coffee and donut social will be included.