Complaint received about another Troxell/Balliet property
Harvey Keiper asked at the Jan. 3 meeting of the East Penn supervisors about the court case against Clair Troxell. Solicitor Jim Nanovic said it is still in Commonwealth Court. There was also a question about the mobile home at 2105 Lizard Creek Road where trash is being stored in the open behind the trailer, and he mentioned that 2161 seems to have a blocked sewer. The property is not hooked up to the sewer line.
Nanovic said the township would have to go after the owner, Robert Balliet, because Troxell is only a tenant.Under public comment Joe Ehritz said during the reorganization meeting a salary schedule was referred to rather than giving salaries. He said it should be public and available with the agendas and minutes.Supervisor chair Herb Truhe said it was available at the office.Ehritz said more information should be made available to the public so it understands what is being voted on. Supervisor Dean Kercsmar said it is rightly so that people want more information. The one-half mill tax increase was so equipment could be purchased and maintenance kept up."We're trying to do the best we can with tax money. We're looking into a feasibility study for the social hall. On the fire company, grants are in short supply or require matching," he said. He added that people should ask for information when a subject comes up.Treasurer Susan Porcina said she was comfortable with Kirk as auditor. He takes time to answer questions about QuickBooks. Supervisors want the audit in a more timely manner.A $4,000 donation was approved for the fire company. The fire tax will be transferred to the company quarterly.The United Veterans Organization will receive $100 and the Carbon County animal shelter will receive a donation of $319. A motion to give the Lehighton Library $500 died for lack of a second. The library was mistakenly given $2,000 last year.Bids are being requested for an outside contractor with equipment and operator.Two payments were authorized for Barry Hoffman in connection with the sewer line. They are for $2,814 and $7,961 and the payments will come from PennVest money.Lisa Kercsmar asked if there can be speed limit zones on areas of Lizard Road. She said cars go so fast she is afraid to let her children near the road.