Outgoing supervisor is honored
Schuylkill Township said good-bye to one long time supervisor and welcomed a brand new one at last night's reorganizational meeting.
Maureen Vanek, who has served as a supervisor since 1997 resigned from her position, effective Dec. 31, due to health reasons. The supervisors appointed Christine Verdier to fill in the remainder of her term, which will end on 11/2015. This is the second appointment in recent months, as Charles Hosler was appointed to the board after long-time supervisor, Joseph Boran, passed away in August.Vanek was honored with several commendations, including citations from the State House of Representatives, presented by Rep. Jerry Knowles, and from the State Senate, presented by Sen. David Argall, the Schuylkill County Commissioners, the board of supervisors, and was appointed as an honorary deputy sheriff of Schuylkill County. Argall stated that, "for as long as (I) can remember, Maureen has been an integral part of public life in this community."In other reorganizational matters, Linda DeCindio was appointed as chairperson of the board. Hosler was appointed as vice-chair. Mary Bubel was appointed as secretary/treasurer and garbage fee collector at $13 per hour. Hosler was also appointed as roadmaster, with DeCindio as assistant roadmaster. DeCindio was appointed as police liaison and delegate to the Schuylkill tax collector committee. DeCindio was appointed as voting delegate to the ESRC, with Daniel DeCindio appointed as alternate. Hosler was appointed as voting delegate to ESP and to the planning board to replace Bubel, whose term expired on 11/2010. Verdier was appointed as voting delegate for COG.The maintenance department wages were set at $12 per hour, with Joseph Pedron to be paid $14 per hour. Police chief Jesse Zimmerman was reappointed as part-time police officer for twenty hours a week at $14 per hour. Michael Greek was retained as legal counsel for the township at a rate of $80 per hour. Daniel DeCindio was appointed as code-enforcement officer at a salary of $150 per month. Thomas Slane was appointed as emergency management coordinator. Alfred Benesch was appointed as the township's engineering firm on an as needed basis. William Brior was retained as the township's sewer enforcement officer. David Shelcusky was appointed to audit the township books for 2010. Joseph Blickley was appointed to the vacancy board. Mary Rudy was appointed as representative to the sewer authority for a four year term. John Bashago was reappointed to a three year term on the zoning board.The tax collector commission was kept at 5%. The township's treasurer bond was kept at $250,000. H.A. Berkheimer was retained as the collector for all local enabling taxes and delinquent taxes for 2011.A brief regular meeting followed the reorganizational meeting. Supervisors advised residents to contact the township office if they have not received a subscription request from the Tamaqua Community Ambulance. An income survey will be taken in Tuscarora next month. Supervisors asked residents to cooperate and complete the survey, as it is needed in order for the township to qualify for a $30,00 CBDG grant which will be used by the Tuscarora Fire Company.After the meetings, the supervisors held a reception in honor of Vanek.