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E. Penn passes budget with one-half mill hike

East Penn supervisors, at a rescheduled Thursday end-of-year meeting, passed a budget with one-half mill increase in taxes to a total of 6.635 mills. The meeting had been scheduled for Dec. 27 but there was no quorum.

The vote to adopt the budget was 4-1 with Randy Pfeiffer voting no.During public comment Joe Ehritz asked the supervisors to explain why the increase was needed and suggested that selling the social hall at this time would be a good money- saving move since the fire company is outgrowing the portion it uses.Insurance renewal was approved.The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors' dues were approved in the amount of $1,136 plus $36 for a subscription of Township News for the engineer.Officials who want to attend the PSATS convention will have their registration paid. It is April 17-20, and the cost is $140.John Blair and Rich Snyder were reclassified from seasonal workers to part-time employees.Pfeiffer said he was willing to remain on the recreation board although he would have preferred to be replaced. There is still one vacancy on the board.The office will close at 4 p.m. on Jan. 3 with the reorganization meeting held at 5 p.m. on Jan. 3.