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Franklin Township sees no tax hike for 2011

Franklin Township board of supervisors on Tuesday night adopted the 2011 budget with no tax hike for township residents in 2011. Milage will remain at 6.3 mills for general funds and .537 mills for the capitol reserve building fund, for a total of 6.837 mills. Residents who live within 750 feet from a fire hydrant are assessed an additional .8 mills.

The township anticipates $1,169,075 in tax revenues for 2011.Township employees will receive a 3 percent raise in pay for 2011, which includes the police department. Supervisors also adopted a resolution which approves a contract to Dec. 31, 2013 with the police department retroactive to Jan 1, 2010. Police had been working the past year without a contract.Supervisors reluctantly approved the police contract.Rod Green, said that supervisors were reluctant because of the cost to taxpayers. Supervisors have budgeted $651.721 for public safety, which includes $12,499 for the fire hydrant tax fund and $8,000 for the police vehicle fund.After the budget was approved, supervisors adopted an ordinance setting the tax rates for 2011 and also adopted an ordinance restricting large tractor trailer trucks from driving on Indian Hill Road and Overlook Drive. Supervisors adopted the ordinance because the weight of the large trucks is breaking up roads not meant to take such heavy vehicles.The board also authorized former tax collector Jean Smith to continue to collect delinquent per capita taxes up to and including the year 2009.Supervisors also approved a request from Jukebox Cruisers car club to use the Phifer Ice Dam Park for 2011 car cruises.Secretary Sandra Gaumer noted that the township municipal office will be closed on Friday, Dec. 24 for the Christmas holiday and on Friday, Dec. 31, for the New Year's holiday.She noted that residents who normally have garbage collection on Fridays, will have their Dec. 24 and Dec. 31 pickup dates changed to the preceding Thursday. She also noted that Christmas trees can be disposed of at the Phifer Ice Dam Park, using the Penn Street entrance, beginning on Jan. 2.The township organizational meeting will be held at 3 p.m. Monday, Jan. 3, at the township office.A resident of Towamensing Township respectfully asked supervisors to consider painting white lines on the edges of Pohopoco Drive to help him see the edges of the roadway better at night time.Green noted that the township cannot paint lines due to the weather and also has budget constraints, but will consider his request next spring.The board also adopted a resolution accepting Plantation Drive and a portion of Forest Street in Homestead in the Pines development as public township roads.